Skin Care Techniques: Minimize Clogged Facial Pores

Skin Care Techniques: Minimize Clogged Facial Pores

Everyone has pores on their face, but some have larger pores than others. Thus, some women are more worried about the size of their facial pores than other women. If you’d love to minimize the appearance of the pores on your face, there are definitely steps you can take to help accomplish this task. Before you call your dermatologist or pay for expensive skin care pore reducing products, wait. You may be able to help you complexion yourself with over the counter products. Using basic skin care tips and routines, you can minimize the appearance of large pores in only a short time.

Skin Care Routine Helps Large Pores

If you’re not already diligently using a skin care regime for anti-aging or for the prevention of acne you should immediately start using one. While you can choose skin care products from one of a multitude of beauty product lines, even less expensive brands like Neutrogena offer great products for cleansing the facial skin. But, remember when you do choose various products to be sure you stick with the same brand for all of the cleansing products and to be sure you choose products made specifically for your skin type. The importance of staying within the same brand is to ensure your skin is getting exactly what it needs. If you mix brands each product might contain something slightly different than another brand’s product of similar type.

Start by using a good quality cleanser on your face. Choose one that’s gentle enough to use on a daily basis. You should also ensure the cleanser has glycolic acid and salicylic acid so you’ll automatically get gentle exfoliation to help with clogged pores. When you exfoliate gently (not scrub) you can start the technique and process needed to minimize the pores.

Next, be sure to use a toner. Toners can help to clean the deep pore areas of oily skin and shrink pimple, whitehead or blackhead problems. They temporarily will reduce the look of pores and are an essential part of the overall system of reducing the size of pores for extended periods of time. Toners should be applied to the face after cleansing with a cotton ball. Before any other product is applied, they should be completely dried.

Before applying foundation or other makeup, it’s important to use a moisturizer. Some cosmetic moisturizers (such as Neutrogena’s Pore Refining Cream) contain Retinol and Alpha-Hydroxy Acid which can help to bring new layers of skin growth to the skin’s surface quickly which will help unclog pores and minimize their size.

Other Products To Use To Make Pores Look Smaller

Even though your skin care routine is essential to help you get long term results and smaller pores, in the short term you can use other products to help you get the look you desire. Many cosmetic companies now sell makeup primers. These primers are meant to be applied after the moisturizer but before any other makeup or foundation. They help fill in the pores and reduce the amount of makeup that might usually cake into the areas, making the pores look larger. This type of product only masks the problem of large pores but it can be a great product to use while you’re waiting for your skin care cleansing efforts to kick in.

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