To care about the skin the most important thing is to know what skin type you have. Without knowing that you cannot can make disastrous to your skin as you might choose a wrong way to look after your skin and wrong products to use on it.
It can really damage your skin as if you don't know your skin type and you have oily skin and you keep on applying oil-based cream on your skin, your skin will break into acne and pimples. So the first things about skin care to know the type of your skin.
The types of skin are normal skin. Oily skin, dry skin, combination skin, t-zone type and sensitive skin.
All skin types needs a different skin care regime and different kinds of cosmetics for each type.
Oily skin
this skin type needs maximum care, as it's prone to acne, pimples and breakouts. Especially people suffer from this skin type in teen age due to hormonal imbalance whereas others too do have it due to excessive sebum production in the body. This skin is mostly oily and greasy which contains lots of unnecessary shine on the skin surface. One needs to wash and clean this skin more often as all dirt and dust gets stick to it. It gets large and visible skin pores. Which if open breaks skin out in pimples.
One can come to know very easily if one has oily skin by wiping off the face with a tissue in the morning when one gets up before washing the face. If there is so much oil trace on the face then the skin is oily and requires more care then other skin types.
Caring for oily skin-- As for oily skin specially formulated face washes are available in the market. One has to use astringent and rose water to wipe off with a cotton dab often to clean the grease as using soap many times on face isn't good for the skin. It requires more care. While choosing moisturizers and foundation for oily skin one should remember that they should be water based. Gel creams and lotions are good for oily skin. One with oily skin should avoid consumption of fried and saturated food. Clay and sandalwood powder packs are very good for oily skin. A mild scrubber too should be used on oily skin to remove black heads and dead skin cells.
Normal skin
people who have normal skin are lucky, as they require least care for their skin type. It needs a normal skin cleaning and caring routine. One can check it the same way one finds out the oily skin. One can wipe the face off with a dry tissue in the morning without a wash. If no oil no dryness is there on the skin it's a normal skin.
Caring for normal skin-normal skin requires a normal cleaning, toning and moisturizing on the skin. Once in a fortnight a face pack for normal skin can be applied to keep it fresh.
Combination skin
this skin is somewhere dry and somewhere oily. It can be oily around nose area and patchy or dry on cheeks. It can be find out the same way as one finds out oily and normal skin with a dry tissue paper. Most of the people have combination skin.
Caring for combination skin-wash it off with mild cleanser. Use astringent on the oily part of the face. While applying moisturizers concentrate on dry area more. Apply it little on oily part of the face and properly on the dry area. Otherwise one gets dry patches on the face. One best way to balancing combination skin is, while getting up in the morning spread the oil what you get on the oily area on all over the face, then wash it without soap. One should never use any soap on face in the morning before taking bath. That natural oil on the face is very good for the skin to keep it moist and young.
Dry skin
dry skin has a thin texture and looks visibly dry when natural. One has dryness on face even in the morning. This skin too requires more care like oily skin. It requires moister than other skin types or it looks patchy and red. It requires face wash and creams that are specially made for dry skin type. One with dry skin should never forget to apply a good night cream while going to bed. The only advantage with this skin is that it hardly breaks into acne and pimples.
One with dry skin needs lots of water to hydrate the skin, as it requires lots of moister as the body produces less sebum then required by the body.
Sensitive skin
this skin is sensitive to dirt, dust, sun and most of the cream, soaps and lotions. It gets itching, redness and patches on it. It breaks out easily. One has to be very careful while using anything on sensitive skin. One should use all mild skin products as face wash, moisturizers and face packs specially made for sensitive skin. One cannot use perfumed soaps and lotions on sensitive skin.
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