Use Salon Products and Tools
There are thousands of nail products on the market today and knowing which tools you need to properly buff your nails can be tricky. However, if you visit your local beauty store you will need to pick up only a few products. First, a handheld nail buffer is essential on your list of supplies. These look similar to emery boards; however they have several different colored panels and appear more like a foam block. You may also want to grab a few bottles of colored polish or OPI polish in French white if you’d like to give yourself a French manicure.
Here you can find the Latest Fashion Tips,Skin Care,Hair Care,Skin Products and Discussions on Verstilye Subjects related to Fashion and Health Care Industry.
Wieght Loss Tips
Ride a Bike, Eat Right and Loose Some Extra Pounds
Weight loss is the biggest obstacle between most people and current standards of beauty. Part of the problem is that our current standards are based on the less-than-one-percent of the population who manages to stay 15-20 pounds underweight, but the weight loss situation in the U.S. in particular has worsened drastically because we eat like pigs. Food is cheaper in the U.S. than anywhere in the world, junk food makes up a large part of the national diet, and most of us are addicted to sugar. Add this to the fact that most Americans now get about as much daily exercise as the average bookend, and the big mystery behind the explosion of heart disease and intestinal problems experienced by so many Americans is explained with utter clarity.
The common understanding is that combining diet and exercise is the best weight-loss solution. If I had to pick one, I'd choose increased exercise. Exercise raises your metabolism for hours after you're done working out, increasing your fat-burning capacity. It also makes you feel good, keeps your bones strong and reduces stress. A half-hour of aerobic exercise three or four times a week is the general prescription for good muscle tone and healthy aerobic capacity.
--Editors Tip ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Get Fit at Home on a Budget – Inexpensive Home Gyms
Want to get fit without joining an expensive gym? Home workouts are the best, since you'll be more likely to fit them into your day. Most people who work out at gyms spend an hour a day just dealing with the extra hassle of driving, changing, showering and getting back to their lives! Use that hour exercising when you work out at home.
There are all sorts of things you can use to work on your aerobic fitness. You may opt for buying videos or DVDs with exercise programs on them, or you may want to buy something as simple as a jump rope or an exercise ball. The single most important item for exercise is a good mat: it should be big enough to move around on, while providing padding for floor exercises and a non-slip surface. You can outfit yourself for a great aerobic workout for less than the cost of joining a gym!
See a selection of inexpensive home exercise options that will help you stay in shape without a lot of expense.
Dieting works, to an extent. The drawback to dieting is that, once the diet is over, the weight tends to return. For people who undertake strict diets that limit their caloric intake without considering their daily nutritional needs, the weight comes back and then some, so that someone who loses twenty pounds on a crash diet may very well gain back thirty. Furthermore, strict diets tell the body that there's a famine on, and the body is a very smart machine. When you start eating again, your body remembers the recent famine, lowering its metabolism to conserve fuel. Your body hangs onto the new calories like grim death, storing away fats, converting carbohydrates to yet more fats, trying to save you from starvation. And there you are, hungry still, but fatter than ever.
The other problem with dieting, especially for kids and teens, is that dieting greatly increases the chance of acquiring an eating disorder. Teaching kids correct eating habits is one way to prevent childhood obesity, but between school lunches and a culture entirely focused on snacking, that had better not be your only strategy. Raising kids who think it's fun to go canoeing, who'd rather go swimming than play a computer game is a better way to keep them at a healthy weight.
My friend Gerald tried every diet under the sun, but nothing seemed to work. He blamed himself: he'd get so hungry that he'd binge within a week, then feel like there was no point in continuing. He had a funny metabolism, I guess: even on a high-protein diet, he was always starving. He decided that diets weren't going to work. He hated to exercise: he joined a gym, but quit out of total boredom. He tried jogging, but it messed up his knees.
Finally, Gerald went to a nutritionist. She took a look at what he was eating (she had him keep a food diary), and she explained calories and told him about how many he should be eating to lose weight at a normal rate. But once she was done talking nutrition, she spent a lot of time talking to him about exercise. And then she did a remarkable thing. She took him bike riding.
I guess she figured he wasn't motivated enough to go alone, and since she knew his low opinion of all things physical, she didn't even tell him the plan. She just told him to come to their next appointment dressed for exercise, and she had two bikes hooked to the back of her station wagon. She drove him over to a bike path, adjusted the second bike to fit him, and they rode about four miles while she talked to him about calorie burning and oxygenating the blood and the benefits of sunshine and fresh air on the average male couch potato. She talked about how no-impact biking still strengthens bones and builds muscle, which then burns calories more efficiently. (And all the time, young women in Lycra were running past them, bouncing tightly along on perfectly-toned calves. The scenery couldn't have been more conducive to Gerald's conversion.)
Gerald bought a bike and started riding three times a week. He visits the nutritionist once a month, mostly to brag, because the weight started coming off right away and he looks great. He still eats a lot, but it doesn't much matter because he burns it right off. One of his complaints about exercise had been that he didn't have enough time, but the nutritionist helped him make some practical changes, such as substituting an online grocery delivery service for the two hours a week he used to spend shopping and standing in line. He tricked out his bike with a new seat and ergonomic handlebars that he got at,and although he'll never have the interest to be a triathlete, he accomplished his goal and found a new way to meet women.
Weight loss is the biggest obstacle between most people and current standards of beauty. Part of the problem is that our current standards are based on the less-than-one-percent of the population who manages to stay 15-20 pounds underweight, but the weight loss situation in the U.S. in particular has worsened drastically because we eat like pigs. Food is cheaper in the U.S. than anywhere in the world, junk food makes up a large part of the national diet, and most of us are addicted to sugar. Add this to the fact that most Americans now get about as much daily exercise as the average bookend, and the big mystery behind the explosion of heart disease and intestinal problems experienced by so many Americans is explained with utter clarity.
The common understanding is that combining diet and exercise is the best weight-loss solution. If I had to pick one, I'd choose increased exercise. Exercise raises your metabolism for hours after you're done working out, increasing your fat-burning capacity. It also makes you feel good, keeps your bones strong and reduces stress. A half-hour of aerobic exercise three or four times a week is the general prescription for good muscle tone and healthy aerobic capacity.
--Editors Tip ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Get Fit at Home on a Budget – Inexpensive Home Gyms
Want to get fit without joining an expensive gym? Home workouts are the best, since you'll be more likely to fit them into your day. Most people who work out at gyms spend an hour a day just dealing with the extra hassle of driving, changing, showering and getting back to their lives! Use that hour exercising when you work out at home.
There are all sorts of things you can use to work on your aerobic fitness. You may opt for buying videos or DVDs with exercise programs on them, or you may want to buy something as simple as a jump rope or an exercise ball. The single most important item for exercise is a good mat: it should be big enough to move around on, while providing padding for floor exercises and a non-slip surface. You can outfit yourself for a great aerobic workout for less than the cost of joining a gym!
See a selection of inexpensive home exercise options that will help you stay in shape without a lot of expense.
Dieting works, to an extent. The drawback to dieting is that, once the diet is over, the weight tends to return. For people who undertake strict diets that limit their caloric intake without considering their daily nutritional needs, the weight comes back and then some, so that someone who loses twenty pounds on a crash diet may very well gain back thirty. Furthermore, strict diets tell the body that there's a famine on, and the body is a very smart machine. When you start eating again, your body remembers the recent famine, lowering its metabolism to conserve fuel. Your body hangs onto the new calories like grim death, storing away fats, converting carbohydrates to yet more fats, trying to save you from starvation. And there you are, hungry still, but fatter than ever.
The other problem with dieting, especially for kids and teens, is that dieting greatly increases the chance of acquiring an eating disorder. Teaching kids correct eating habits is one way to prevent childhood obesity, but between school lunches and a culture entirely focused on snacking, that had better not be your only strategy. Raising kids who think it's fun to go canoeing, who'd rather go swimming than play a computer game is a better way to keep them at a healthy weight.
My friend Gerald tried every diet under the sun, but nothing seemed to work. He blamed himself: he'd get so hungry that he'd binge within a week, then feel like there was no point in continuing. He had a funny metabolism, I guess: even on a high-protein diet, he was always starving. He decided that diets weren't going to work. He hated to exercise: he joined a gym, but quit out of total boredom. He tried jogging, but it messed up his knees.
Finally, Gerald went to a nutritionist. She took a look at what he was eating (she had him keep a food diary), and she explained calories and told him about how many he should be eating to lose weight at a normal rate. But once she was done talking nutrition, she spent a lot of time talking to him about exercise. And then she did a remarkable thing. She took him bike riding.
I guess she figured he wasn't motivated enough to go alone, and since she knew his low opinion of all things physical, she didn't even tell him the plan. She just told him to come to their next appointment dressed for exercise, and she had two bikes hooked to the back of her station wagon. She drove him over to a bike path, adjusted the second bike to fit him, and they rode about four miles while she talked to him about calorie burning and oxygenating the blood and the benefits of sunshine and fresh air on the average male couch potato. She talked about how no-impact biking still strengthens bones and builds muscle, which then burns calories more efficiently. (And all the time, young women in Lycra were running past them, bouncing tightly along on perfectly-toned calves. The scenery couldn't have been more conducive to Gerald's conversion.)
Gerald bought a bike and started riding three times a week. He visits the nutritionist once a month, mostly to brag, because the weight started coming off right away and he looks great. He still eats a lot, but it doesn't much matter because he burns it right off. One of his complaints about exercise had been that he didn't have enough time, but the nutritionist helped him make some practical changes, such as substituting an online grocery delivery service for the two hours a week he used to spend shopping and standing in line. He tricked out his bike with a new seat and ergonomic handlebars that he got at,and although he'll never have the interest to be a triathlete, he accomplished his goal and found a new way to meet women.
Ride a Bike, Eat Right and Loose Some Extra Pounds
Ride a Bike, Eat Right and Loose Some Extra Pounds
Weight loss is the biggest obstacle between most people and current standards of beauty. Part of the problem is that our current standards are based on the less-than-one-percent of the population who manages to stay 15-20 pounds underweight, but the weight loss situation in the U.S. in particular has worsened drastically because we eat like pigs. Food is cheaper in the U.S. than anywhere in the world, junk food makes up a large part of the national diet, and most of us are addicted to sugar. Add this to the fact that most Americans now get about as much daily exercise as the average bookend, and the big mystery behind the explosion of heart disease and intestinal problems experienced by so many Americans is explained with utter clarity.
The common understanding is that combining diet and exercise is the best weight-loss solution. If I had to pick one, I'd choose increased exercise. Exercise raises your metabolism for hours after you're done working out, increasing your fat-burning capacity. It also makes you feel good, keeps your bones strong and reduces stress. A half-hour of aerobic exercise three or four times a week is the general prescription for good muscle tone and healthy aerobic capacity.
--Editors Tip ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Get Fit at Home on a Budget – Inexpensive Home Gyms
Want to get fit without joining an expensive gym? Home workouts are the best, since you'll be more likely to fit them into your day. Most people who work out at gyms spend an hour a day just dealing with the extra hassle of driving, changing, showering and getting back to their lives! Use that hour exercising when you work out at home.
There are all sorts of things you can use to work on your aerobic fitness. You may opt for buying videos or DVDs with exercise programs on them, or you may want to buy something as simple as a jump rope or an exercise ball. The single most important item for exercise is a good mat: it should be big enough to move around on, while providing padding for floor exercises and a non-slip surface. You can outfit yourself for a great aerobic workout for less than the cost of joining a gym!
See a selection of inexpensive home exercise options that will help you stay in shape without a lot of expense.
Dieting works, to an extent. The drawback to dieting is that, once the diet is over, the weight tends to return. For people who undertake strict diets that limit their caloric intake without considering their daily nutritional needs, the weight comes back and then some, so that someone who loses twenty pounds on a crash diet may very well gain back thirty. Furthermore, strict diets tell the body that there's a famine on, and the body is a very smart machine. When you start eating again, your body remembers the recent famine, lowering its metabolism to conserve fuel. Your body hangs onto the new calories like grim death, storing away fats, converting carbohydrates to yet more fats, trying to save you from starvation. And there you are, hungry still, but fatter than ever.
The other problem with dieting, especially for kids and teens, is that dieting greatly increases the chance of acquiring an eating disorder. Teaching kids correct eating habits is one way to prevent childhood obesity, but between school lunches and a culture entirely focused on snacking, that had better not be your only strategy. Raising kids who think it's fun to go canoeing, who'd rather go swimming than play a computer game is a better way to keep them at a healthy weight.
My friend Gerald tried every diet under the sun, but nothing seemed to work. He blamed himself: he'd get so hungry that he'd binge within a week, then feel like there was no point in continuing. He had a funny metabolism, I guess: even on a high-protein diet, he was always starving. He decided that diets weren't going to work. He hated to exercise: he joined a gym, but quit out of total boredom. He tried jogging, but it messed up his knees.
Finally, Gerald went to a nutritionist. She took a look at what he was eating (she had him keep a food diary), and she explained calories and told him about how many he should be eating to lose weight at a normal rate. But once she was done talking nutrition, she spent a lot of time talking to him about exercise. And then she did a remarkable thing. She took him bike riding.
I guess she figured he wasn't motivated enough to go alone, and since she knew his low opinion of all things physical, she didn't even tell him the plan. She just told him to come to their next appointment dressed for exercise, and she had two bikes hooked to the back of her station wagon. She drove him over to a bike path, adjusted the second bike to fit him, and they rode about four miles while she talked to him about calorie burning and oxygenating the blood and the benefits of sunshine and fresh air on the average male couch potato. She talked about how no-impact biking still strengthens bones and builds muscle, which then burns calories more efficiently. (And all the time, young women in Lycra were running past them, bouncing tightly along on perfectly-toned calves. The scenery couldn't have been more conducive to Gerald's conversion.)
Gerald bought a bike and started riding three times a week. He visits the nutritionist once a month, mostly to brag, because the weight started coming off right away and he looks great. He still eats a lot, but it doesn't much matter because he burns it right off. One of his complaints about exercise had been that he didn't have enough time, but the nutritionist helped him make some practical changes, such as substituting an online grocery delivery service for the two hours a week he used to spend shopping and standing in line. He tricked out his bike with a new seat and ergonomic handlebars that he got at,and although he'll never have the interest to be a triathlete, he accomplished his goal and found a new way to meet women.
Weight loss is the biggest obstacle between most people and current standards of beauty. Part of the problem is that our current standards are based on the less-than-one-percent of the population who manages to stay 15-20 pounds underweight, but the weight loss situation in the U.S. in particular has worsened drastically because we eat like pigs. Food is cheaper in the U.S. than anywhere in the world, junk food makes up a large part of the national diet, and most of us are addicted to sugar. Add this to the fact that most Americans now get about as much daily exercise as the average bookend, and the big mystery behind the explosion of heart disease and intestinal problems experienced by so many Americans is explained with utter clarity.
The common understanding is that combining diet and exercise is the best weight-loss solution. If I had to pick one, I'd choose increased exercise. Exercise raises your metabolism for hours after you're done working out, increasing your fat-burning capacity. It also makes you feel good, keeps your bones strong and reduces stress. A half-hour of aerobic exercise three or four times a week is the general prescription for good muscle tone and healthy aerobic capacity.
--Editors Tip ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Get Fit at Home on a Budget – Inexpensive Home Gyms
Want to get fit without joining an expensive gym? Home workouts are the best, since you'll be more likely to fit them into your day. Most people who work out at gyms spend an hour a day just dealing with the extra hassle of driving, changing, showering and getting back to their lives! Use that hour exercising when you work out at home.
There are all sorts of things you can use to work on your aerobic fitness. You may opt for buying videos or DVDs with exercise programs on them, or you may want to buy something as simple as a jump rope or an exercise ball. The single most important item for exercise is a good mat: it should be big enough to move around on, while providing padding for floor exercises and a non-slip surface. You can outfit yourself for a great aerobic workout for less than the cost of joining a gym!
See a selection of inexpensive home exercise options that will help you stay in shape without a lot of expense.
Dieting works, to an extent. The drawback to dieting is that, once the diet is over, the weight tends to return. For people who undertake strict diets that limit their caloric intake without considering their daily nutritional needs, the weight comes back and then some, so that someone who loses twenty pounds on a crash diet may very well gain back thirty. Furthermore, strict diets tell the body that there's a famine on, and the body is a very smart machine. When you start eating again, your body remembers the recent famine, lowering its metabolism to conserve fuel. Your body hangs onto the new calories like grim death, storing away fats, converting carbohydrates to yet more fats, trying to save you from starvation. And there you are, hungry still, but fatter than ever.
The other problem with dieting, especially for kids and teens, is that dieting greatly increases the chance of acquiring an eating disorder. Teaching kids correct eating habits is one way to prevent childhood obesity, but between school lunches and a culture entirely focused on snacking, that had better not be your only strategy. Raising kids who think it's fun to go canoeing, who'd rather go swimming than play a computer game is a better way to keep them at a healthy weight.
My friend Gerald tried every diet under the sun, but nothing seemed to work. He blamed himself: he'd get so hungry that he'd binge within a week, then feel like there was no point in continuing. He had a funny metabolism, I guess: even on a high-protein diet, he was always starving. He decided that diets weren't going to work. He hated to exercise: he joined a gym, but quit out of total boredom. He tried jogging, but it messed up his knees.
Finally, Gerald went to a nutritionist. She took a look at what he was eating (she had him keep a food diary), and she explained calories and told him about how many he should be eating to lose weight at a normal rate. But once she was done talking nutrition, she spent a lot of time talking to him about exercise. And then she did a remarkable thing. She took him bike riding.
I guess she figured he wasn't motivated enough to go alone, and since she knew his low opinion of all things physical, she didn't even tell him the plan. She just told him to come to their next appointment dressed for exercise, and she had two bikes hooked to the back of her station wagon. She drove him over to a bike path, adjusted the second bike to fit him, and they rode about four miles while she talked to him about calorie burning and oxygenating the blood and the benefits of sunshine and fresh air on the average male couch potato. She talked about how no-impact biking still strengthens bones and builds muscle, which then burns calories more efficiently. (And all the time, young women in Lycra were running past them, bouncing tightly along on perfectly-toned calves. The scenery couldn't have been more conducive to Gerald's conversion.)
Gerald bought a bike and started riding three times a week. He visits the nutritionist once a month, mostly to brag, because the weight started coming off right away and he looks great. He still eats a lot, but it doesn't much matter because he burns it right off. One of his complaints about exercise had been that he didn't have enough time, but the nutritionist helped him make some practical changes, such as substituting an online grocery delivery service for the two hours a week he used to spend shopping and standing in line. He tricked out his bike with a new seat and ergonomic handlebars that he got at,and although he'll never have the interest to be a triathlete, he accomplished his goal and found a new way to meet women.
Benefits of Drinking Water
Beauty and Health Benefits of Drinking Water - Filtered, Bottled, Tap or Distilled
We all want smooth, soft, unblemished skin. But sometimes it seems like great skin is either something you’re born with or something you’ll never achieve. These days, the medical industry has created skin care treatments that are halfway between plastic surgery and serious cosmetics. You can have your skin sanded, chemically peeled, zapped with lasers, frozen or injected with Botox, the catchy hyphenated name for botulism toxin. You can spend thousands of dollars in a pretty short period of time to achieve results that may or may not be what you hoped for.
But one of the most wonderful skin care treatments is easily available to everyone, has side benefits that affects not just your rosy glow but your whole body, and is utterly painless to use. It’s called water, and you drink it.
Not coffee. I know, coffee has water. It also has an abundance of interesting chemicals including caffeine, which raises your heartbeat, exaggerates stress on the body and causes diuresis, or loss of hydration. All these things combine to make for ravaged, hag-like skin, which if that’s what you’re aiming for, is just fine. But those of us who want to hold off hagdom as long as possible have to face the facts: that cappuccino may taste good, but it’s going to increase under eye circles, make your kidneys work harder than they should, and can result in breakouts, flushing and blotchy skin.
The facts are these. Not Pepsi, not beer, not juice, not even tea can replace the magical, rejuvenating effects of that old classic, H2O.
--Editor's Note-------------------------------------------------------------------
Filtered Shower Water Can Improve the Health of Your Skin and Hair
Did you know that a shower could actually be damaging your hair and skin by causing excessive dryness. It isn't the the shower water that gives you that drying feeling after a hot shower, but the chlorine that is found in almost all city tap water sources. More recently, several shower filters have come out on the market that will filter out almost all the drying chlorine in your shower water leaving your skin refreshed and clean not dry an scaly.
See a shower filter that will rid your water of the drying effects of chorine.
How much water should you drink
With these thoughts in mind, I decided to actually drink the 8, 8-ounce glasses of water recommended by beauty experts and dermatologists alike. That’s four glasses in the morning, and four more after lunch, a doable goal. I filled my glass from the tap and took a drink. I tasted chlorine, chemicals, weird odiferous things that don’t smell like water should. City water stinks. This was going to be harder than I thought.
Bottled Drinking Water
I could buy bottled water, at a dollar a pint, at the grocery store. Let’s see, there are two cups in a pint, and I need to drink at least 8 cups per day. Four dollars a days sounds like a lot for water, don’t you think? Like I’m going to spend $120 a month on drinking water! And, then I’ll need to buy 28 bottles of water a week, and bring them home and store them. At this rate, I’ll never drink water again.
Tap Water Filters for Safe Drinking Water at Home
But I went to my girlfriend’s house for dinner, and when she poured water into her fridge pitcher, I noticed a space-age contraption hanging off the tap. She said it’s called a water filter. (Click here to see this water filter), and you drink water with it. When I sipped my glass of water, I understood. No weird chemical smells, no salty-chlorinated creepiness, just clean, tasty water. This stuff I can drink!
She filled a gallon bottle for me, and I brought home a supply. The next day, I went online and checked out drinking water filters, finally choosing the Brita facet water filtration system for its quality and price. I read upon it a little first, and found that the Brita filter removes lead, asbestos, toluene and benzene, among a couple of dozen other impurities and really frightening chemicals.
And somehow, although your water is filtered of all sorts of horrible, cancer-causing agents, the Brita lets the fluoride remain, keeping your teeth strong.
I’m drinking my eight glasses a day now, and am already seeing the positive effects. I never realized how I avoided drinking water because it always tasted so bad, but now I like it—it tastes great!
We all want smooth, soft, unblemished skin. But sometimes it seems like great skin is either something you’re born with or something you’ll never achieve. These days, the medical industry has created skin care treatments that are halfway between plastic surgery and serious cosmetics. You can have your skin sanded, chemically peeled, zapped with lasers, frozen or injected with Botox, the catchy hyphenated name for botulism toxin. You can spend thousands of dollars in a pretty short period of time to achieve results that may or may not be what you hoped for.
But one of the most wonderful skin care treatments is easily available to everyone, has side benefits that affects not just your rosy glow but your whole body, and is utterly painless to use. It’s called water, and you drink it.
Not coffee. I know, coffee has water. It also has an abundance of interesting chemicals including caffeine, which raises your heartbeat, exaggerates stress on the body and causes diuresis, or loss of hydration. All these things combine to make for ravaged, hag-like skin, which if that’s what you’re aiming for, is just fine. But those of us who want to hold off hagdom as long as possible have to face the facts: that cappuccino may taste good, but it’s going to increase under eye circles, make your kidneys work harder than they should, and can result in breakouts, flushing and blotchy skin.
The facts are these. Not Pepsi, not beer, not juice, not even tea can replace the magical, rejuvenating effects of that old classic, H2O.
--Editor's Note-------------------------------------------------------------------
Filtered Shower Water Can Improve the Health of Your Skin and Hair
Did you know that a shower could actually be damaging your hair and skin by causing excessive dryness. It isn't the the shower water that gives you that drying feeling after a hot shower, but the chlorine that is found in almost all city tap water sources. More recently, several shower filters have come out on the market that will filter out almost all the drying chlorine in your shower water leaving your skin refreshed and clean not dry an scaly.
See a shower filter that will rid your water of the drying effects of chorine.
How much water should you drink
With these thoughts in mind, I decided to actually drink the 8, 8-ounce glasses of water recommended by beauty experts and dermatologists alike. That’s four glasses in the morning, and four more after lunch, a doable goal. I filled my glass from the tap and took a drink. I tasted chlorine, chemicals, weird odiferous things that don’t smell like water should. City water stinks. This was going to be harder than I thought.
Bottled Drinking Water
I could buy bottled water, at a dollar a pint, at the grocery store. Let’s see, there are two cups in a pint, and I need to drink at least 8 cups per day. Four dollars a days sounds like a lot for water, don’t you think? Like I’m going to spend $120 a month on drinking water! And, then I’ll need to buy 28 bottles of water a week, and bring them home and store them. At this rate, I’ll never drink water again.
Tap Water Filters for Safe Drinking Water at Home
But I went to my girlfriend’s house for dinner, and when she poured water into her fridge pitcher, I noticed a space-age contraption hanging off the tap. She said it’s called a water filter. (Click here to see this water filter), and you drink water with it. When I sipped my glass of water, I understood. No weird chemical smells, no salty-chlorinated creepiness, just clean, tasty water. This stuff I can drink!
She filled a gallon bottle for me, and I brought home a supply. The next day, I went online and checked out drinking water filters, finally choosing the Brita facet water filtration system for its quality and price. I read upon it a little first, and found that the Brita filter removes lead, asbestos, toluene and benzene, among a couple of dozen other impurities and really frightening chemicals.
And somehow, although your water is filtered of all sorts of horrible, cancer-causing agents, the Brita lets the fluoride remain, keeping your teeth strong.
I’m drinking my eight glasses a day now, and am already seeing the positive effects. I never realized how I avoided drinking water because it always tasted so bad, but now I like it—it tastes great!
Green Tea as a Beauty Tip
Be a Green Tea Beauty: Natural, Organic Benefits to Drinking Your Anti-Oxidants through Teas
For centuries green tea has been used daily by cultures outside of the United States. We as Americans only recently understand the many health and beauty benefits that are received through the use of green tea. Green tea can be used as a drink such as in tea or it can be applied to the skin through lotions. There are even vitamin supplements with green tea for tablet ingestion. The benefits of green tea use can cover areas of health, weight loss and aging reduction.
Natural Health Properties of Green Tea Extract
Green tea extracts are naturally rich in antioxidants, which protect against the harmful effects of free radicals in the body. Free radicals naturally occur in the body and can cause accelerated aging, cancers and heart disease. The antioxidants decrease the risk of free radical effects. Studies have shown that green tea can lower cholesterol; decrease chances for cancers, heart disease and aid arthritis sufferers. Sipping green tea daily can aid the body in over health prevention.
Diet and Weight Loss with Benefits
Green tea contains natural ingredients that both flush toxins from the body as well as raise the metabolic rate burning calories and fat at an increased rate. It also enhances fat oxidation while providing the body with more energy with less caffeine than other energy boosting beverages. Sipping green tea daily can help boost your energy levels and your mood while decreasing the fat production in the body.
How to Look Younger with Green Teas
Pollution, sun exposure, smoking and diet can all cause our skin to age at an accelerated rate. Wrinkles, sunspots and other signs of age can be treated with green tea. Many beauty product lines are realizing the benefits that the antioxidants in green tea have on the skin. It can be used as a natural exfoliant, a moisturizer and line reducer. Companies such as Garnier are using green leaf extracts in anti aging and sun treated skin lines. Another beauty tip for green tea use is for a healthy, beautiful smile. Green tea naturally has fluoride in it, which prevents cavities in the teeth.
How To Take Green Tea in Your Diet
Green tea is now widely sold in most grocery chains as well as local Asian market places. You can purchase 100 tea bags for less than $2.00. You can also find beauty products and vitamins containing green tea at most of your local drug stores. If you are interested in DIY beauty care there are books and websites that offer more detailed tips on green tea use. Tips can include facial spritzes and scrubs created from seeping fresh green tea leaves.
Scientists are still studying green tea powders, beverages and creams in search of additional benefits. Green tea is becoming a wide used product for numerous health and beauty purposes. It is affordable and effective in maintaining a healthier and richer quality of life. Perhaps this natural product is not the only one of it’s kind. We may find that our neighbors to the East have even more health benefits for us to discover. The next time you are looking for a way to boost your health, look for products containing green tea and try it for yourself.
For centuries green tea has been used daily by cultures outside of the United States. We as Americans only recently understand the many health and beauty benefits that are received through the use of green tea. Green tea can be used as a drink such as in tea or it can be applied to the skin through lotions. There are even vitamin supplements with green tea for tablet ingestion. The benefits of green tea use can cover areas of health, weight loss and aging reduction.
Natural Health Properties of Green Tea Extract
Green tea extracts are naturally rich in antioxidants, which protect against the harmful effects of free radicals in the body. Free radicals naturally occur in the body and can cause accelerated aging, cancers and heart disease. The antioxidants decrease the risk of free radical effects. Studies have shown that green tea can lower cholesterol; decrease chances for cancers, heart disease and aid arthritis sufferers. Sipping green tea daily can aid the body in over health prevention.
Diet and Weight Loss with Benefits
Green tea contains natural ingredients that both flush toxins from the body as well as raise the metabolic rate burning calories and fat at an increased rate. It also enhances fat oxidation while providing the body with more energy with less caffeine than other energy boosting beverages. Sipping green tea daily can help boost your energy levels and your mood while decreasing the fat production in the body.
How to Look Younger with Green Teas
Pollution, sun exposure, smoking and diet can all cause our skin to age at an accelerated rate. Wrinkles, sunspots and other signs of age can be treated with green tea. Many beauty product lines are realizing the benefits that the antioxidants in green tea have on the skin. It can be used as a natural exfoliant, a moisturizer and line reducer. Companies such as Garnier are using green leaf extracts in anti aging and sun treated skin lines. Another beauty tip for green tea use is for a healthy, beautiful smile. Green tea naturally has fluoride in it, which prevents cavities in the teeth.
How To Take Green Tea in Your Diet
Green tea is now widely sold in most grocery chains as well as local Asian market places. You can purchase 100 tea bags for less than $2.00. You can also find beauty products and vitamins containing green tea at most of your local drug stores. If you are interested in DIY beauty care there are books and websites that offer more detailed tips on green tea use. Tips can include facial spritzes and scrubs created from seeping fresh green tea leaves.
Scientists are still studying green tea powders, beverages and creams in search of additional benefits. Green tea is becoming a wide used product for numerous health and beauty purposes. It is affordable and effective in maintaining a healthier and richer quality of life. Perhaps this natural product is not the only one of it’s kind. We may find that our neighbors to the East have even more health benefits for us to discover. The next time you are looking for a way to boost your health, look for products containing green tea and try it for yourself.
Healthy Teeth and bones
Calcium rich supplements and food sources in your diet can be a make your bones and teeth stronger, help you lose weight, and improve your health
Calcium is a vital mineral found in a plethora of foods. In some cases a poor diet may lead to a deficiency of the calcium and supplementation with secondary sources – such as AlgaeCal and Caltrate fortified with vitamin D – is recommended. Physicians have connected low levels of calcium with brittle bones and teeth in middle aged women which during menopause may develop into osteoporosis.
Exploring calcium supplement benefits when so many calcium rich foods are available may appear somewhat redundant. Of course, if you consider that the average American diet enjoyed by both men and women is woefully deficient in nutrients and instead largely to blame for an increase in weight, cases of hypertension, and a plethora of other health problems, the wisdom of seeking out information and recommendations for calcium pills makes sense.
Many Safe Sources When it Comes to Calcium Supplements
Supplemental calcium is available as a serum infused tonic, a liquid filled caplet, and of course hard pills made up of magnesium, carbonate, and other trace minerals. The absorption of the latter is sometimes questioned, especially if there is no fortification with vitamin D which has been found to be instrumental in the bodily assimilation of these supplements.
History and information about calcium supplementation has overcome the old wives’ tales that had women somewhat hesitant about adding these products to their daily nutrition for fear to have it create a build-up in their arteries. Since the role of the supplement is to strengthen bones and teeth, the substance is one the body quickly uses and readily available scientific facts do not bear out that there are any adverse effects to your health if you take a calcium aid.
Take Calcium Products Correctly For the Biggest Nutrition Benefits
You might now be wondering: what is the right way to take these supplemented nutrients and have them help you stay healthy and keep your bones strong; interestingly, there are some little known mistakes that women make! For example, did you know that during an evaluation of the medical history of menopausal women it was discovered that taking calcium supplements too close to bone strengtheners will cause the former to not be absorbed?
Similarly, information is now available which showcases that calcium supplements need to be taken with food to permit for the proper acidic environment to allow for the maximum bodily absorption. While the packaging may inform you that taking the supplement with food is optional, this only refers to potential adverse health conditions. Calcium requires the presence of vitamin D as well as fat for optimal nutrient digestion, and this environment can only be offered when there is food in the stomach concurrently with the supplement.
Women who are uncertain about their calcium intake will do well to consult with their physicians immediately. Failure to do so will put them at serious risk for brittle bones and the danger of suffering one or more osteoporosis induced bone fractures.
Calcium is a vital mineral found in a plethora of foods. In some cases a poor diet may lead to a deficiency of the calcium and supplementation with secondary sources – such as AlgaeCal and Caltrate fortified with vitamin D – is recommended. Physicians have connected low levels of calcium with brittle bones and teeth in middle aged women which during menopause may develop into osteoporosis.
Exploring calcium supplement benefits when so many calcium rich foods are available may appear somewhat redundant. Of course, if you consider that the average American diet enjoyed by both men and women is woefully deficient in nutrients and instead largely to blame for an increase in weight, cases of hypertension, and a plethora of other health problems, the wisdom of seeking out information and recommendations for calcium pills makes sense.
Many Safe Sources When it Comes to Calcium Supplements
Supplemental calcium is available as a serum infused tonic, a liquid filled caplet, and of course hard pills made up of magnesium, carbonate, and other trace minerals. The absorption of the latter is sometimes questioned, especially if there is no fortification with vitamin D which has been found to be instrumental in the bodily assimilation of these supplements.
History and information about calcium supplementation has overcome the old wives’ tales that had women somewhat hesitant about adding these products to their daily nutrition for fear to have it create a build-up in their arteries. Since the role of the supplement is to strengthen bones and teeth, the substance is one the body quickly uses and readily available scientific facts do not bear out that there are any adverse effects to your health if you take a calcium aid.
Take Calcium Products Correctly For the Biggest Nutrition Benefits
You might now be wondering: what is the right way to take these supplemented nutrients and have them help you stay healthy and keep your bones strong; interestingly, there are some little known mistakes that women make! For example, did you know that during an evaluation of the medical history of menopausal women it was discovered that taking calcium supplements too close to bone strengtheners will cause the former to not be absorbed?
Similarly, information is now available which showcases that calcium supplements need to be taken with food to permit for the proper acidic environment to allow for the maximum bodily absorption. While the packaging may inform you that taking the supplement with food is optional, this only refers to potential adverse health conditions. Calcium requires the presence of vitamin D as well as fat for optimal nutrient digestion, and this environment can only be offered when there is food in the stomach concurrently with the supplement.
Women who are uncertain about their calcium intake will do well to consult with their physicians immediately. Failure to do so will put them at serious risk for brittle bones and the danger of suffering one or more osteoporosis induced bone fractures.
Protection From Wrinkles and Photodamage
Vitamin C Gives Cosmetic and Skin Benefits; Find Natural Sources For Best Protection From Wrinkles and Photodamage
While you’ve likely been focusing on getting all of your vitamins via your nutrition, the good news is vitamins are also beneficial to your skin through skin care products! One of the most popular vitamin additions to skin care products is Vitamin C. This anti aging vitamin has been studied and confirmed as being an extremely effective addition to skin care routines. When antioxidant Vitamin C is added to your skin, it helps your skin get rid of free radicals. Since free radicals can greatly damage your skin, the use of Vitamin C is vital to your skin health! In addition, Vitamin C can help your body rev up its production of collagen.
Beauty Benefits of Vitamin C
On a beauty note, adding Vitamin C to your skin care routine can help you look great on many levels. The topical use of Vitamin C revitalizes your skin, allowing for improvement in the tone and texture! You will instantly look younger with smooth and silky skin on your face and body. It works to protect you against UVB rays and can help you combat sun damage, wrinkles and photodamage. These are some of the most common skin worries of women today.
Effective Topical Products with Vitamin C For Skin Care
Cosmetic gurus and their sources are taking note of the power behind Vitamin C and are adding it and its derivatives to many products on the market. Derivatives like ascorbyl palmitate and ascorbic acid are commonly used, because they are less irritating than Vitamin C itself. Those with sensitive skin can still reap the protection and natural benefits of Vitamin C, without any irritation.
Beneficial Vitamin C in Cosmetics
When you start your venture for Vitamin C induced skin care products, there are a few things to remember. First, remember there are many claims being made from various companies on their skin care products. To find the best products with Vitamin C, be sure to look at the color of the product. Those products with a yellow or brown tint should be avoided. Vitamin C often turns these colors when exposed to air and thus becomes ineffective in creating collagen and elastic.
Vitamin C Offers Cosmetic Benefits
Many women would rather sit through a chemical peel or a microdermabrasion session for skin care repair and conditioning. However, using a daily Vitamin C product can help you repair and prep your skin everyday. You can get products which include Vitamin C derivatives (L-ascorbic acid and others) for use at home. Therefore, you can continuously reap the benefits of Vitamin C, without heading to the spa.
While you’ve likely been focusing on getting all of your vitamins via your nutrition, the good news is vitamins are also beneficial to your skin through skin care products! One of the most popular vitamin additions to skin care products is Vitamin C. This anti aging vitamin has been studied and confirmed as being an extremely effective addition to skin care routines. When antioxidant Vitamin C is added to your skin, it helps your skin get rid of free radicals. Since free radicals can greatly damage your skin, the use of Vitamin C is vital to your skin health! In addition, Vitamin C can help your body rev up its production of collagen.
Beauty Benefits of Vitamin C
On a beauty note, adding Vitamin C to your skin care routine can help you look great on many levels. The topical use of Vitamin C revitalizes your skin, allowing for improvement in the tone and texture! You will instantly look younger with smooth and silky skin on your face and body. It works to protect you against UVB rays and can help you combat sun damage, wrinkles and photodamage. These are some of the most common skin worries of women today.
Effective Topical Products with Vitamin C For Skin Care
Cosmetic gurus and their sources are taking note of the power behind Vitamin C and are adding it and its derivatives to many products on the market. Derivatives like ascorbyl palmitate and ascorbic acid are commonly used, because they are less irritating than Vitamin C itself. Those with sensitive skin can still reap the protection and natural benefits of Vitamin C, without any irritation.
Beneficial Vitamin C in Cosmetics
When you start your venture for Vitamin C induced skin care products, there are a few things to remember. First, remember there are many claims being made from various companies on their skin care products. To find the best products with Vitamin C, be sure to look at the color of the product. Those products with a yellow or brown tint should be avoided. Vitamin C often turns these colors when exposed to air and thus becomes ineffective in creating collagen and elastic.
Vitamin C Offers Cosmetic Benefits
Many women would rather sit through a chemical peel or a microdermabrasion session for skin care repair and conditioning. However, using a daily Vitamin C product can help you repair and prep your skin everyday. You can get products which include Vitamin C derivatives (L-ascorbic acid and others) for use at home. Therefore, you can continuously reap the benefits of Vitamin C, without heading to the spa.
Tone your Backside (a.k.a Butt) with These Daily Exercises
Tone your Backside (a.k.a Butt) with These Daily Exercises
Chances are you’ve heard of Curves, Nautilus and the Buns of Steel video. However, if you’ve tried it all and still don’t have a toned back side, you may just need a new approach. Butt toning and thigh exercises are often the most feared, leaving many women with butt flab left without tone. However, with these simple and effective daily tips you can quickly have the best gluteal muscles on the block!.
Reach Behind Move
Equipment Needed: A sturdy wall for balance and optional light-weight dumbbells.
Instructions: Stand a few feet away from a wall, facing it. Place your hands flat against the wall. Slightly bend your knees. Keeping one foot on the floor, lift the other foot off the floor. Keep your knee bent, supporting your balance. Be sure to keep the abs tight, the hips slightly forward and the torso almost parallel to the floor.
Reps: Start with 2 sets of 10 reps (or 10 on each side). Take a one minute break in between each set. To make this more difficult, hold light-weight free weight dumbbells in your hands throughout the exercise.
Lunge With A Rise
Equipment Needed: A stair and dumbbells.
Instructions: Stand about 2 feet away from the first stair on the staircase (or away from your stair-stepping bench). Hold a dumbbell in each hand and step forward onto the stair with your right foot. Allow your left heel to rise off of the floor, with the knee slightly bent toward the floor in a lunge position. Repeat the process with the opposite leg. This will greatly start slimming the buttocks, glutes, hamstrings and quadriceps.
Reps: Start with 1 set of 10 reps each day. To make this move easier, you can choose to do it without a stair and practice it on flat flooring.
London Bridge Lift
Equipment Needed: None
Instructions: Lie flat on your back and bend your knees. With your feet flat on the floor, place your arms at your sides. Squeeze your butt and lift your hips off of the floor for a count of two. With your hips in the air, extend one leg out toward the sky. Lower your leg and hips. Repeat the move with the opposite leg.
Reps: Start with 2 sets of 10 reps each day. To make this move easier, you can choose to not extend your legs. Instead, you can only work on lifting your hips.
A buttocks workout is a fitness must when it comes to overall training. You can quickly learn how to firm your rear muscles and experience cellulite and fat reduction in your buttocks and thigh area. These exercises paired with cardio workouts (or Pilates and yoga) can give you a sexy butt in no time!
Chances are you’ve heard of Curves, Nautilus and the Buns of Steel video. However, if you’ve tried it all and still don’t have a toned back side, you may just need a new approach. Butt toning and thigh exercises are often the most feared, leaving many women with butt flab left without tone. However, with these simple and effective daily tips you can quickly have the best gluteal muscles on the block!.
Reach Behind Move
Equipment Needed: A sturdy wall for balance and optional light-weight dumbbells.
Instructions: Stand a few feet away from a wall, facing it. Place your hands flat against the wall. Slightly bend your knees. Keeping one foot on the floor, lift the other foot off the floor. Keep your knee bent, supporting your balance. Be sure to keep the abs tight, the hips slightly forward and the torso almost parallel to the floor.
Reps: Start with 2 sets of 10 reps (or 10 on each side). Take a one minute break in between each set. To make this more difficult, hold light-weight free weight dumbbells in your hands throughout the exercise.
Lunge With A Rise
Equipment Needed: A stair and dumbbells.
Instructions: Stand about 2 feet away from the first stair on the staircase (or away from your stair-stepping bench). Hold a dumbbell in each hand and step forward onto the stair with your right foot. Allow your left heel to rise off of the floor, with the knee slightly bent toward the floor in a lunge position. Repeat the process with the opposite leg. This will greatly start slimming the buttocks, glutes, hamstrings and quadriceps.
Reps: Start with 1 set of 10 reps each day. To make this move easier, you can choose to do it without a stair and practice it on flat flooring.
London Bridge Lift
Equipment Needed: None
Instructions: Lie flat on your back and bend your knees. With your feet flat on the floor, place your arms at your sides. Squeeze your butt and lift your hips off of the floor for a count of two. With your hips in the air, extend one leg out toward the sky. Lower your leg and hips. Repeat the move with the opposite leg.
Reps: Start with 2 sets of 10 reps each day. To make this move easier, you can choose to not extend your legs. Instead, you can only work on lifting your hips.
A buttocks workout is a fitness must when it comes to overall training. You can quickly learn how to firm your rear muscles and experience cellulite and fat reduction in your buttocks and thigh area. These exercises paired with cardio workouts (or Pilates and yoga) can give you a sexy butt in no time!
Leg Slimming Exercises: Toning Calves, Thighs, Hips & Hamstrings
Leg Slimming Exercises: Toning Calves, Thighs, Hips & Hamstrings
Everyone wants great legs! However, toning legs with leg exercises is often overlooked by even fit women. Most women forget the thighs, hips and calves need special attention and would rather focus on the arms and ab areas of the body. However, unless you want leg flab to keep you away from the pool this summer, it’s important to learn how to tone your legs with a great leg exercises workout. To get strong legs, you will likely want to do several strengthening leg exercises, which can easily be attained during yoga or Pilates classes at your local gym. Getting a great cardio workout in is the easiest and most effective way to burn fat. However, if you want sexy legs you may need to put in a little training with free weights or these easy moves. They can give you cellulite reduction and hot legs for warm weather styles! Believe it or not, there are also exercises you can do at home for toning leg muscles.
Squeeze Those Quads!
Sit on your bedroom floor with your back straight. Put your hands on the floor at your sides. Extend your right leg out in front of you and bed your left leg at the knee (placing your left foot flat against the floor). While exhaling, tighten you quadriceps (top of the thigh) and press the back of the leg onto the floor. Hold this for 10 seconds, then relax. Repeat with the other leg. Work on this until you can do 10 reps on each leg. This will tone your quadriceps and leave you with firmer thighs, inner and outer.
Sculpt Those Thighs!
If you want to work on your thigh areas, this is the fitness move for you. Sit on the floor with your back straight, putting your hands at your sides once more. Extend your right leg in front of you and bend your left knee (putting the left foot flat on the floor). Exhale and flex the right foot while tightening your right quadriceps. Raise your straightened leg off of the ground (about 4-6 inches). Hold the leg in the air for about 10 seconds and then lower it. Repeat with the opposite leg and work on this move until you can do 10 reps per leg.
Kick Out Those Hamstring Muscles!
To work on your hamstrings, giving you an overall slimming look, try this move. Sit in a chair, spine straight and your feet on the floor. Grip the sides of your chair, near the hip area. Exhale and straighten your right leg, flexing your foot at the same time. Raise the foot until the leg is parallel to the floor. Keep the leg in this position for 10 seconds and then lower. Repeat with the opposite leg. Work on this move until you can do 15 per leg, without problems. Another way to work hamstrings in this manner is to do a simple squat movement, which is often easier for beginners.
Tone the “Butt Bridge” (aka Glutes)!
This move is meant to work the buttocks (glutes) and is often called the butt bridge. No, you don’t need to join Curves or use Nautilus to get a great rear end. You can do it at home! Just sit on the edge of a chair and rest your hands on the chair (near the hips). Put your feet on the floor and bed your knees. Exhale and lift your hips, using your hands and feet for support. Imagine someone pulling your hips toward the ceiling in this move. Arch your back until you can make the shape of a bridge. Hold the position for 20 seconds and release slowly until you are sitting as you began the move. Work on this until you can hold the bridge position for up to 60 seconds.
Everyone wants great legs! However, toning legs with leg exercises is often overlooked by even fit women. Most women forget the thighs, hips and calves need special attention and would rather focus on the arms and ab areas of the body. However, unless you want leg flab to keep you away from the pool this summer, it’s important to learn how to tone your legs with a great leg exercises workout. To get strong legs, you will likely want to do several strengthening leg exercises, which can easily be attained during yoga or Pilates classes at your local gym. Getting a great cardio workout in is the easiest and most effective way to burn fat. However, if you want sexy legs you may need to put in a little training with free weights or these easy moves. They can give you cellulite reduction and hot legs for warm weather styles! Believe it or not, there are also exercises you can do at home for toning leg muscles.
Squeeze Those Quads!
Sit on your bedroom floor with your back straight. Put your hands on the floor at your sides. Extend your right leg out in front of you and bed your left leg at the knee (placing your left foot flat against the floor). While exhaling, tighten you quadriceps (top of the thigh) and press the back of the leg onto the floor. Hold this for 10 seconds, then relax. Repeat with the other leg. Work on this until you can do 10 reps on each leg. This will tone your quadriceps and leave you with firmer thighs, inner and outer.
Sculpt Those Thighs!
If you want to work on your thigh areas, this is the fitness move for you. Sit on the floor with your back straight, putting your hands at your sides once more. Extend your right leg in front of you and bend your left knee (putting the left foot flat on the floor). Exhale and flex the right foot while tightening your right quadriceps. Raise your straightened leg off of the ground (about 4-6 inches). Hold the leg in the air for about 10 seconds and then lower it. Repeat with the opposite leg and work on this move until you can do 10 reps per leg.
Kick Out Those Hamstring Muscles!
To work on your hamstrings, giving you an overall slimming look, try this move. Sit in a chair, spine straight and your feet on the floor. Grip the sides of your chair, near the hip area. Exhale and straighten your right leg, flexing your foot at the same time. Raise the foot until the leg is parallel to the floor. Keep the leg in this position for 10 seconds and then lower. Repeat with the opposite leg. Work on this move until you can do 15 per leg, without problems. Another way to work hamstrings in this manner is to do a simple squat movement, which is often easier for beginners.
Tone the “Butt Bridge” (aka Glutes)!
This move is meant to work the buttocks (glutes) and is often called the butt bridge. No, you don’t need to join Curves or use Nautilus to get a great rear end. You can do it at home! Just sit on the edge of a chair and rest your hands on the chair (near the hips). Put your feet on the floor and bed your knees. Exhale and lift your hips, using your hands and feet for support. Imagine someone pulling your hips toward the ceiling in this move. Arch your back until you can make the shape of a bridge. Hold the position for 20 seconds and release slowly until you are sitting as you began the move. Work on this until you can hold the bridge position for up to 60 seconds.
Low Calorie Snacks: Recipe Ideas for Tasty, Healthy Snacking Choices
Low Calorie Snacks: Recipe Ideas for Tasty, Healthy Snacking Choices
Are you trying to lose or maintain weight? If so, you may be like thousands of other people who find it almost impossible to stay away from unhealthy snacks like potato chips or cookies.
Many Healthy Snack Options that Are Filling and Fresh
Low calories snacks can be a great alternative when you’re trying to lose weight or maintain your weight. Of course, they aren’t always the most appetizing options available and often don’t keep you full enough to forgo other non-healthy items later in the day. The good news is there are many tasty and healthy low calories snacks for adults which can not only keep your taste buds happy but also keep you from getting hungry between meals.
1.Choose Filling Snack Foods: Studies show there are certain types of foods which can make you feel fuller for longer periods of time. If you want to stick to your diet program or plan, it’s important to feel full so you don’t binge between meals. Foods which are high in fiber are the best options, as scientists know fiber works with the body to keep you feeling full for longer periods of time.
2.Choose Simple and Easy Foods: If you have to take an hour for the preparation of your snack, chances are you won’t force yourself to eat it very often. After all, who has an hour each day to make snack? When thinking of snacks, choose recipes or preparations which require very little time. Easy options include fresh fruit and vegetables with low calorie yogurt dips. Keep these things available in your home or office so you can quickly grab them to satisfy your hunger without wrecking your diet plan.
3.Choose to Portion Control Healthy Snacks: When eating snack, portions count! So, keep your snacks in small portions to calm your craving but also keep you within your required low-calorie range. The best options to go for if you have trouble with portions are the pre-packaged 100 calorie options at your grocery store. Companies like Quaker and Nabisco make it easy for adults to get low calorie snacks without requiring much thought or effort. With these incredibly delicious and easy options, you have no excuses!
4.Choose Small Indulgences on Any Eating Plan or Diet: Sure, you can have a sweet or “forbidden” treat every now and again before or after your meal. But again, you must think about eating a small amount of high calorie foods, to turn them into a low calorie snack option. If you don’t think you can control yourself to eat just a small amount, skip it altogether.
Staying fit with healthy low calorie snacks for adults is important if you want to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Eating low calorie snacks for adults is a great way to stay on track with your diet plan or program. Eating healthy can help you lose weight and keep your cholesterol and blood pressure under control. Remember, being healthy is not only about what you eat but also how active you remain. So, get outside or to the gym for physical activity at least three times as week.
Are you trying to lose or maintain weight? If so, you may be like thousands of other people who find it almost impossible to stay away from unhealthy snacks like potato chips or cookies.
Many Healthy Snack Options that Are Filling and Fresh
Low calories snacks can be a great alternative when you’re trying to lose weight or maintain your weight. Of course, they aren’t always the most appetizing options available and often don’t keep you full enough to forgo other non-healthy items later in the day. The good news is there are many tasty and healthy low calories snacks for adults which can not only keep your taste buds happy but also keep you from getting hungry between meals.
1.Choose Filling Snack Foods: Studies show there are certain types of foods which can make you feel fuller for longer periods of time. If you want to stick to your diet program or plan, it’s important to feel full so you don’t binge between meals. Foods which are high in fiber are the best options, as scientists know fiber works with the body to keep you feeling full for longer periods of time.
2.Choose Simple and Easy Foods: If you have to take an hour for the preparation of your snack, chances are you won’t force yourself to eat it very often. After all, who has an hour each day to make snack? When thinking of snacks, choose recipes or preparations which require very little time. Easy options include fresh fruit and vegetables with low calorie yogurt dips. Keep these things available in your home or office so you can quickly grab them to satisfy your hunger without wrecking your diet plan.
3.Choose to Portion Control Healthy Snacks: When eating snack, portions count! So, keep your snacks in small portions to calm your craving but also keep you within your required low-calorie range. The best options to go for if you have trouble with portions are the pre-packaged 100 calorie options at your grocery store. Companies like Quaker and Nabisco make it easy for adults to get low calorie snacks without requiring much thought or effort. With these incredibly delicious and easy options, you have no excuses!
4.Choose Small Indulgences on Any Eating Plan or Diet: Sure, you can have a sweet or “forbidden” treat every now and again before or after your meal. But again, you must think about eating a small amount of high calorie foods, to turn them into a low calorie snack option. If you don’t think you can control yourself to eat just a small amount, skip it altogether.
Staying fit with healthy low calorie snacks for adults is important if you want to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Eating low calorie snacks for adults is a great way to stay on track with your diet plan or program. Eating healthy can help you lose weight and keep your cholesterol and blood pressure under control. Remember, being healthy is not only about what you eat but also how active you remain. So, get outside or to the gym for physical activity at least three times as week.
Low Calorie Drink Recipes: Skinny Cocktails and Alcoholic Beverages that Won't Pack on the Pounds.
You can enjoy the treats and beverages of any celebration and still protect your waistline by choosing low calorie alcoholic drinks. The number of calories in a mixed drink varies depending on three factors, which include the percentage of alcohol, the mixer and the drink size.
The higher the alcohol percentage the more calories you will consume. For example 80-proof vodka (40% alcohol; the most common type) has 64 calories per 1oz 86-proof vodka (43% alcohol) has 70 calories 1 oz 90-proof vodka (45% alcohol) has 73 calories and so on. Mixers alone can be packed full of calories such as soda and flavored syrups. Try choosing beverages mixed with low calorie fruit juice, vegetable juice, club soda or diet soda. Don’t be afraid to ask the bartender if he or she can mix your beverage with one of the following mixers:
Low calorie mixer options:
•Diet soda or diet tonic: 0 calories
•Orange juice (6 oz): 84 calories
•Light orange juice (8 oz): 50 calories
•Light cranberry juice (8 oz): 40 calories
•Light lemonade (8 oz): 5 calories
•Coffee, tea: 0 calories
•Lemon or lime juice (1/2 oz): 10 calories
For those who are trying to protect their diet and consume fewer carbohydrates choosing light beers such as Michelob Ultra or wine can help. Light beer equals low carbohydrate. They contain the same amount of alcohol but fewer calories. On average here is how beer and wine choices look for calorie consumption:
•Port wine (3 oz): 128
•Bloody Mary (5 oz): 118
•Red wine (5 oz): 120
•White wine (5 oz): 120
•Alcohol-free wine (5 oz): 20-30
•Beer (12 oz): 150-198
•Light beer (12 oz): 95-136
•Ultra-light beer (12 oz): 64-95
For punches and tropical cocktail options liquor should be limited as well. These recipes often contain sugary mixed options that pack the calories in a small glass. Try to substitute recipes using artificial sweeteners or sugar free syrups to keep the calorie content at a minimum for your next party. Here are some ideas of how liquor calories stack up:
•Wine spritzer (5 oz): 100
•Spiced cider with rum (8 oz): 150
•Screwdriver (8 oz): 190
•Mimosa (4 oz): 75
•Rum and Coke (8 oz): 185
•Rum and Diet Coke (8 oz): 100
•Green apple martini (1 oz each vodka, sour apple, apple juice): 148
•Martini (2.5 oz): 160
•Champagne (5oz): 106-120
No matter your drink of choice during the festivities always be safe. Don’t drink and drive (or drink if you are underage) instead have cab fair on hand or a designated driver for safe transportation. Don’t leave your beverage unattended as it could lead you to become a victim of drink spiking. Leaving your drink unguarded could make it susceptible to being mixed with GHB or Rohypnol (roofies) a.k.a. the date rape drug. Better safe than sorry so have a friend watch your drink or simply dump your old drink and order a fresh one. Over consumption of alcohol is hazardous to your health. It can lead to stomach, liver and kidney problems that can be fatal. So drink responsibly and enjoy the party season fun in good health.
The higher the alcohol percentage the more calories you will consume. For example 80-proof vodka (40% alcohol; the most common type) has 64 calories per 1oz 86-proof vodka (43% alcohol) has 70 calories 1 oz 90-proof vodka (45% alcohol) has 73 calories and so on. Mixers alone can be packed full of calories such as soda and flavored syrups. Try choosing beverages mixed with low calorie fruit juice, vegetable juice, club soda or diet soda. Don’t be afraid to ask the bartender if he or she can mix your beverage with one of the following mixers:
Low calorie mixer options:
•Diet soda or diet tonic: 0 calories
•Orange juice (6 oz): 84 calories
•Light orange juice (8 oz): 50 calories
•Light cranberry juice (8 oz): 40 calories
•Light lemonade (8 oz): 5 calories
•Coffee, tea: 0 calories
•Lemon or lime juice (1/2 oz): 10 calories
For those who are trying to protect their diet and consume fewer carbohydrates choosing light beers such as Michelob Ultra or wine can help. Light beer equals low carbohydrate. They contain the same amount of alcohol but fewer calories. On average here is how beer and wine choices look for calorie consumption:
•Port wine (3 oz): 128
•Bloody Mary (5 oz): 118
•Red wine (5 oz): 120
•White wine (5 oz): 120
•Alcohol-free wine (5 oz): 20-30
•Beer (12 oz): 150-198
•Light beer (12 oz): 95-136
•Ultra-light beer (12 oz): 64-95
For punches and tropical cocktail options liquor should be limited as well. These recipes often contain sugary mixed options that pack the calories in a small glass. Try to substitute recipes using artificial sweeteners or sugar free syrups to keep the calorie content at a minimum for your next party. Here are some ideas of how liquor calories stack up:
•Wine spritzer (5 oz): 100
•Spiced cider with rum (8 oz): 150
•Screwdriver (8 oz): 190
•Mimosa (4 oz): 75
•Rum and Coke (8 oz): 185
•Rum and Diet Coke (8 oz): 100
•Green apple martini (1 oz each vodka, sour apple, apple juice): 148
•Martini (2.5 oz): 160
•Champagne (5oz): 106-120
No matter your drink of choice during the festivities always be safe. Don’t drink and drive (or drink if you are underage) instead have cab fair on hand or a designated driver for safe transportation. Don’t leave your beverage unattended as it could lead you to become a victim of drink spiking. Leaving your drink unguarded could make it susceptible to being mixed with GHB or Rohypnol (roofies) a.k.a. the date rape drug. Better safe than sorry so have a friend watch your drink or simply dump your old drink and order a fresh one. Over consumption of alcohol is hazardous to your health. It can lead to stomach, liver and kidney problems that can be fatal. So drink responsibly and enjoy the party season fun in good health.
Self Defense & Safety for Women: Protecting Yourself from Crime is Important
Self Defense & Safety for Women: Protecting Yourself from Crime is Important
Paying attention to your personal safety keeps you beautiful—face and body intact and serene—and there can be more in your purse than lipstick to help you fight back if you're attacked by a mugger. Protecting the purse itself is more a matter of prevention than anything else. If your purse is clutched to you rather than dangling from a strap, you'll be less likely to have someone try to take it from you.
If someone does either grab or demand your purse, give it to him; it's not worth risking yourself for whatever's in there! If your purse is large or heavy, you may be able to belt someone with it if you need to, but if you hit someone with your purse, don't be a sissy about it: pack a wallop that will hopefully knock the guy down and preferably out.
Women are often at risk for street crime and sexual assault on a date, partly because muggers don't know how strong and fast women can be, and largely because too many women don't know it either. If you've ever taken a self defense class, you've probably been surprised at just how competently you can defend yourself once you have some encouragement and little bit of training. If you haven't ever taken self defense, try it: even if you never need to use what you learn, you will gain confidence and strength; two things would-be bad guys want to avoid in their victims whenever possible!
Most self defense classes start by teaching students that screaming loudly and running away is often the best device in stopping an attack. Attackers count on the fact that, in the face of an attack, many people are overcome by a weird sense of shame, which makes them quiet and acquiescent. Battered women (and even abused wives) are the ultimate example of people who are attacked and respond with shame and self-blame, so that they don't want anyone to know what's happening to them. Keeping quiet about being abused means that the abuse continues until the woman gains the strength to leave or until her abuser kills her. On the other hand, women who report abuse to the police often stop being victims. On the street among strangers too, people who run and scream get attention, and very often get help.
Self-defense trainers often say that teaching women techniques to kick, grab, punch the testicles or to claw the eyes of an attacker is all very well, but when it push comes to shove, some crime victims freeze and can't use the aggressive fighting techniques covered in their programs. Something in the way women are trained from childhood sometimes prevents us from fighting back as affectively as we can, even when our bodies and our lives are at stake. Overcoming the urge to remain still is a large part of becoming effective at self defense, and part of the information female students receive in personal safety training involves confronting the conflicting emotions we feel when under attack.
Even if you've had self defense training tips in courses or seminars, it helps to have added advantages in the form of self defense products such as a stun gun or pepper spray key chain or defense spray pen. Sometimes just knowing you have a useful weapon in your purse can give you an air of confidence that warns bad guys away. When you're walking alone in the dark or going to your car in an unfamiliar or unsafe place, keeping your hand on your pepper spray (go here to learn more about pepper spray ingredients) is one good tip for crime prevention. Even a hardened attacker can't fight the vicious stinging of a pepper spray, and every woman, young or old, fragile or strong, can gain the benefit of time to run away and scream for help.
Paying attention to your personal safety keeps you beautiful—face and body intact and serene—and there can be more in your purse than lipstick to help you fight back if you're attacked by a mugger. Protecting the purse itself is more a matter of prevention than anything else. If your purse is clutched to you rather than dangling from a strap, you'll be less likely to have someone try to take it from you.
If someone does either grab or demand your purse, give it to him; it's not worth risking yourself for whatever's in there! If your purse is large or heavy, you may be able to belt someone with it if you need to, but if you hit someone with your purse, don't be a sissy about it: pack a wallop that will hopefully knock the guy down and preferably out.
Women are often at risk for street crime and sexual assault on a date, partly because muggers don't know how strong and fast women can be, and largely because too many women don't know it either. If you've ever taken a self defense class, you've probably been surprised at just how competently you can defend yourself once you have some encouragement and little bit of training. If you haven't ever taken self defense, try it: even if you never need to use what you learn, you will gain confidence and strength; two things would-be bad guys want to avoid in their victims whenever possible!
Most self defense classes start by teaching students that screaming loudly and running away is often the best device in stopping an attack. Attackers count on the fact that, in the face of an attack, many people are overcome by a weird sense of shame, which makes them quiet and acquiescent. Battered women (and even abused wives) are the ultimate example of people who are attacked and respond with shame and self-blame, so that they don't want anyone to know what's happening to them. Keeping quiet about being abused means that the abuse continues until the woman gains the strength to leave or until her abuser kills her. On the other hand, women who report abuse to the police often stop being victims. On the street among strangers too, people who run and scream get attention, and very often get help.
Self-defense trainers often say that teaching women techniques to kick, grab, punch the testicles or to claw the eyes of an attacker is all very well, but when it push comes to shove, some crime victims freeze and can't use the aggressive fighting techniques covered in their programs. Something in the way women are trained from childhood sometimes prevents us from fighting back as affectively as we can, even when our bodies and our lives are at stake. Overcoming the urge to remain still is a large part of becoming effective at self defense, and part of the information female students receive in personal safety training involves confronting the conflicting emotions we feel when under attack.
Even if you've had self defense training tips in courses or seminars, it helps to have added advantages in the form of self defense products such as a stun gun or pepper spray key chain or defense spray pen. Sometimes just knowing you have a useful weapon in your purse can give you an air of confidence that warns bad guys away. When you're walking alone in the dark or going to your car in an unfamiliar or unsafe place, keeping your hand on your pepper spray (go here to learn more about pepper spray ingredients) is one good tip for crime prevention. Even a hardened attacker can't fight the vicious stinging of a pepper spray, and every woman, young or old, fragile or strong, can gain the benefit of time to run away and scream for help.
Are you Allergic to the Nickel in Your Jewelry?
Are you Allergic to the Nickel in Your Jewelry?
If you have problems with a skin rash, redness, swelling, itching or burning in areas where you are wearing jewelry, you may have a nickel allergy. Nickel is commonly used in most jewelry, since it's cheap and strong, but around 15% of the population is allergic to nickel. If you've recently gotten your ears or body pierced and are experiencing allergic symptoms, you may have become sensitized to the metal your jewelry contains. White gold and other gold that is less that 14 carats can bring on a reaction, since white gold is made with nickel and other forms of gold contain some amount of nickel as a hardening agent. Sterling silver is plated with nickel, which stays shiny and bright when silver might tarnish, and so is frequently used in silver jewelry.
Causes and Symptoms of Nickel Allergies
If you're wondering about the cause of nickel allergies, keep on wondering. Some people never develop sensitivity, but those who do may find symptoms appearing up to ten days after their exposure to the allergen. After you've experienced your first reaction, you will have become sensitized to the nickel and will react to it in 24-48 hours forever after. If you have an especially ferocious reaction, you may find yourself at the dermatologist: some doctors prescribe cortisone cream to alleviate skin related allergy symptoms. But once you've determined that it's the nickel that's causing problems, it's better not to get prescription creams: they have side effects. Just stop wearing the offending jewelry.
--Editors Tip ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Getting a Rash From Your Jewelry?
Many people find that certain jewelry leaves them with a red, itchy rash. This is typically due to a reaction to the nickel that is used as a hardener for other metals. With the popularity of piercings and costume jewelry, this can be a huge problem for some. Careful consideration of the materials and metals that are used in your jewelry can often avoid the problem entirely. Better metals typically cause far fewer reactions. Unfortunately, not everyone can afford pure gold for their “ornaments!” Sterling silver jewelry is one type of jewelry that is affordable, beautiful, and nickel-free. Sterling silver will not cause you to have that nickel reaction or rash, allowing you to wear the jewelry longer or more often. While some people complain that silver will tarnish, a quality piece of jewelry will require only occasional polishing to stay beautiful and shiny!
Find nickel-free, beautiful sterling silver jewelry that you can enjoy wearing every day!
How to avoid nickel allergic reactions
What to do? There aren't any vaccinations: your best bet is to avoid nickel. If you have a recent piercing, making sure to use only stainless steel posts, and once the symptoms are gone, pay strict attention to the kind of jewelry you're buying. Replace your jewelry with pieces guaranteed to be nickel free; remember, you can suffer allergy symptoms from rings, necklaces, bracelets, earrings, belts or body jewelry. 18 carat gold should be all right; platinum is also known as hypoallergenic. Nickel free or alloy free white gold is made with palladium, a type of platinum, which costs more that the white gold made with nickel.
Nickel-free jewelry does exist for allergy sufferers
The down side of having a nickel allergy is that nickel free jewelry often costs more, making you more difficult to shop for. If you usually shop in fine jewelry stores, you probably won't have a problem, but if like many of us, you buy your earrings in drugstores or kiosks, you have to pay special attention to make sure you get items labeled as hypoallergenic or nickel free. Stainless steel earrings and other piercing items are available in a wide range of styles, and they're inexpensive.
If you have a piece of jewelry that causes you allergy problems but you can't bear to part with it, you can try coating the whole piece in a couple of coats clear fingernail polish. Some people find that the polish prevents contact to the extent that they don't suffer the allergy: others have to give up the jewelry or endure swelling, itching and burning—all of which make wearing jewelry somewhat pointless, since your skin will look so awful that people won't be able to truly admire the sexy new studs in your ears, lips, belly or tongue.
If you have problems with a skin rash, redness, swelling, itching or burning in areas where you are wearing jewelry, you may have a nickel allergy. Nickel is commonly used in most jewelry, since it's cheap and strong, but around 15% of the population is allergic to nickel. If you've recently gotten your ears or body pierced and are experiencing allergic symptoms, you may have become sensitized to the metal your jewelry contains. White gold and other gold that is less that 14 carats can bring on a reaction, since white gold is made with nickel and other forms of gold contain some amount of nickel as a hardening agent. Sterling silver is plated with nickel, which stays shiny and bright when silver might tarnish, and so is frequently used in silver jewelry.
Causes and Symptoms of Nickel Allergies
If you're wondering about the cause of nickel allergies, keep on wondering. Some people never develop sensitivity, but those who do may find symptoms appearing up to ten days after their exposure to the allergen. After you've experienced your first reaction, you will have become sensitized to the nickel and will react to it in 24-48 hours forever after. If you have an especially ferocious reaction, you may find yourself at the dermatologist: some doctors prescribe cortisone cream to alleviate skin related allergy symptoms. But once you've determined that it's the nickel that's causing problems, it's better not to get prescription creams: they have side effects. Just stop wearing the offending jewelry.
--Editors Tip ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Getting a Rash From Your Jewelry?
Many people find that certain jewelry leaves them with a red, itchy rash. This is typically due to a reaction to the nickel that is used as a hardener for other metals. With the popularity of piercings and costume jewelry, this can be a huge problem for some. Careful consideration of the materials and metals that are used in your jewelry can often avoid the problem entirely. Better metals typically cause far fewer reactions. Unfortunately, not everyone can afford pure gold for their “ornaments!” Sterling silver jewelry is one type of jewelry that is affordable, beautiful, and nickel-free. Sterling silver will not cause you to have that nickel reaction or rash, allowing you to wear the jewelry longer or more often. While some people complain that silver will tarnish, a quality piece of jewelry will require only occasional polishing to stay beautiful and shiny!
Find nickel-free, beautiful sterling silver jewelry that you can enjoy wearing every day!
How to avoid nickel allergic reactions
What to do? There aren't any vaccinations: your best bet is to avoid nickel. If you have a recent piercing, making sure to use only stainless steel posts, and once the symptoms are gone, pay strict attention to the kind of jewelry you're buying. Replace your jewelry with pieces guaranteed to be nickel free; remember, you can suffer allergy symptoms from rings, necklaces, bracelets, earrings, belts or body jewelry. 18 carat gold should be all right; platinum is also known as hypoallergenic. Nickel free or alloy free white gold is made with palladium, a type of platinum, which costs more that the white gold made with nickel.
Nickel-free jewelry does exist for allergy sufferers
The down side of having a nickel allergy is that nickel free jewelry often costs more, making you more difficult to shop for. If you usually shop in fine jewelry stores, you probably won't have a problem, but if like many of us, you buy your earrings in drugstores or kiosks, you have to pay special attention to make sure you get items labeled as hypoallergenic or nickel free. Stainless steel earrings and other piercing items are available in a wide range of styles, and they're inexpensive.
If you have a piece of jewelry that causes you allergy problems but you can't bear to part with it, you can try coating the whole piece in a couple of coats clear fingernail polish. Some people find that the polish prevents contact to the extent that they don't suffer the allergy: others have to give up the jewelry or endure swelling, itching and burning—all of which make wearing jewelry somewhat pointless, since your skin will look so awful that people won't be able to truly admire the sexy new studs in your ears, lips, belly or tongue.
Apply Sunless Tanning Lotion & Avoid Skin Cancer Risks
Apply Sunless Tanning Lotion & Avoid Skin Cancer Risks
There is something to be said for a golden, California-style tan, but spending hours tanning under the blazing solar disk is more of a skin-cancer risk than it is a fine tanning option. You could go all out and spent a hundred dollars getting a spray-on tan from a salon, but you risk losing control over the shade. For a few measly bucks, hide those pasty legs to the computer and buy some Neutrogena’s Instant Bronze sunless tanning and bronzer in one at the local drugstore. It’s a soft foam that provides instant color, then develops a tan as well.
Sunless Tanning Lotions: How they Work?
Tanning lotions and creams are basically a way of dying your skin a lovely, summertime hue without exposing yourself to harmful radiation. Tanning in its most primitive form is the same thing: UV rays interact with the melanin in your skin, turning it brown and dying you from the inside out. With a store-bought tan and bronzer, you can start out golden, and any incidental color you happen to pick up in the course of your summer is just gravy.
--Editors Tip ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Show off Your Tan with a Swim Suit that Flatters Your Body Type
If you're working on a tan (or applying your sunless tan), you're probably planning to show off the perfect swimsuit. You may even want a swimsuit for tanning in! What to find a bathing suit that works with your shape and coloring? Want an all-over tan, but don't want to get naked at the beach? Buy an opaque mesh suit that lets in the sunlight—but you'll need sunscreen all over too! Don't want a single UV ray to spoil your alabaster skin? There are suits made especially to block the sun's rays.
Swimsuit shopping has reduced many strong women to tears, so when you're ready to find the right suit, look at all your options. With more separates, and sexy new styles like the tankini, it's easier than ever to find a suit that will maximize your curb appeal and hide those tiny (and not so tiny) flaws.
Get help finding the ideal swim wear for your body type, including juniors, womens and plus size suits..
How to Apply a Believable Sunless Tan
Before you start, decide how deep a tan you want, and plan how much of your body you want tanned. Trouble spots include the neck, and the clavicle area. A deeply-tanned chest above the breasts can look old and wrinkly, so be careful. Decide how you want your feet to look: you don't want a tan that ends in a pair of white ankles! The same with your hands; your tan shouldn't end at your wrists. In general, tanning your face should be avoided because of tricky things like the thin skin under the eyes. If you feel you must have a tan on your face, consider a bronze makeup or powder, or have it professionally tanned at a good salon.
Start with freshly shaven legs so the lotion will go on smoothly, and apply it as evenly as you can. If you can, use a full-length mirror or get a friend to help you apply the lotion to the backs of your legs, you shoulders, waist and back.
Tanning lotion is like salt in a stew: you can always add more, but it's hard to take any out. If you're looking for a pretty rich color, plan to do your tanning in more than one application, so you can brown up in increments, preventing overdoing it.
I recommend Neutrogena because although it costs a little more, you won't end up the bright-orange color of cheap tanning lotions. Getting your tan from a company that specializes in skin care with an eye to sensitivity it also a good idea to my way of thinking.
There is something to be said for a golden, California-style tan, but spending hours tanning under the blazing solar disk is more of a skin-cancer risk than it is a fine tanning option. You could go all out and spent a hundred dollars getting a spray-on tan from a salon, but you risk losing control over the shade. For a few measly bucks, hide those pasty legs to the computer and buy some Neutrogena’s Instant Bronze sunless tanning and bronzer in one at the local drugstore. It’s a soft foam that provides instant color, then develops a tan as well.
Sunless Tanning Lotions: How they Work?
Tanning lotions and creams are basically a way of dying your skin a lovely, summertime hue without exposing yourself to harmful radiation. Tanning in its most primitive form is the same thing: UV rays interact with the melanin in your skin, turning it brown and dying you from the inside out. With a store-bought tan and bronzer, you can start out golden, and any incidental color you happen to pick up in the course of your summer is just gravy.
--Editors Tip ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Show off Your Tan with a Swim Suit that Flatters Your Body Type
If you're working on a tan (or applying your sunless tan), you're probably planning to show off the perfect swimsuit. You may even want a swimsuit for tanning in! What to find a bathing suit that works with your shape and coloring? Want an all-over tan, but don't want to get naked at the beach? Buy an opaque mesh suit that lets in the sunlight—but you'll need sunscreen all over too! Don't want a single UV ray to spoil your alabaster skin? There are suits made especially to block the sun's rays.
Swimsuit shopping has reduced many strong women to tears, so when you're ready to find the right suit, look at all your options. With more separates, and sexy new styles like the tankini, it's easier than ever to find a suit that will maximize your curb appeal and hide those tiny (and not so tiny) flaws.
Get help finding the ideal swim wear for your body type, including juniors, womens and plus size suits..
How to Apply a Believable Sunless Tan
Before you start, decide how deep a tan you want, and plan how much of your body you want tanned. Trouble spots include the neck, and the clavicle area. A deeply-tanned chest above the breasts can look old and wrinkly, so be careful. Decide how you want your feet to look: you don't want a tan that ends in a pair of white ankles! The same with your hands; your tan shouldn't end at your wrists. In general, tanning your face should be avoided because of tricky things like the thin skin under the eyes. If you feel you must have a tan on your face, consider a bronze makeup or powder, or have it professionally tanned at a good salon.
Start with freshly shaven legs so the lotion will go on smoothly, and apply it as evenly as you can. If you can, use a full-length mirror or get a friend to help you apply the lotion to the backs of your legs, you shoulders, waist and back.
Tanning lotion is like salt in a stew: you can always add more, but it's hard to take any out. If you're looking for a pretty rich color, plan to do your tanning in more than one application, so you can brown up in increments, preventing overdoing it.
I recommend Neutrogena because although it costs a little more, you won't end up the bright-orange color of cheap tanning lotions. Getting your tan from a company that specializes in skin care with an eye to sensitivity it also a good idea to my way of thinking.
Lighting and Beauty
Lighting and Beauty
Beauty is all about light. We are constantly in search of glowing skin, sparkling eyes, and shiny hair. In fact, (as any movie star will tell you) much of what passes for external beauty is a carefully controlled mixture of reflection, absorption and shadow.
People with shiny, oily skin try to make it matte, absorbing light so pores also appear smaller. Powder is the most
frequent remedy for shiny skin, and the finer the powder, the more likely your chances of applying it effectively. Cheap powders can cake, or may contain talc that irritates skin. Some foundations also claim to contain powder, to minimize shine, but I haven’t found a good one yet. I’ll let you know when I do!
--Editors Tip ----------------------------------------------------------------------
A Quality Lighted Magnification Mirror is Must-Have Beauty Item
Perfect makeup and brows begin with being able to see yourself in the right light. Many bathroom vanities are constructed with low-wattage or even dim fluorescent lights that don't show you what other people will see. Do you work in daylight, under office lights or with halogen lamps? All these things affect the color of your skin and makeup, the visibility of blemishes or facial hair, even the lines on your face or the circles under your eyes. If you're blessed with great light, terrific! But most of us aren't, and it makes a difference in your overall look.
For plucking the perfect brow (or eradicating other unwanted facial hair), there's nothing more helpful than a mirror that magnifies. With magnification, you can grasp the unwanted hair with the right tweezers the first time. Add light to the mirror, and you can see everything up close; perfect for applying moisturizer, makeup, and tweezing.
See our favorite selection of lighted magnification mirrors that will make you morning beauty regime much easier to do and see.
As women age, our skin tends to dry out, so older women are often concerned with achieving a slightly shiny finish, which can be done with powders or foundations containing mica. Unfortunately, mica can also irritate skin or create sparkle (not glow), which is all right in the evening, by candlelight, but looks garish in broad daylight. Best of all in achieving glow without sparkle or grease, is finding the right moisturizer. A good moisturizer combines water with some sort of lipid, which helps skin absorb the water and hold onto it. The most popular lipids these days come from the all-powerful soybean plant.
Aside from using the right cosmetics, there are a few things you can do in regards to light to increase your outer beauty. First of all, pay attention to the light in your house. Your bathroom, or the room where you do your makeup should have strong, natural light. it plays hell with your ego, but you’re more likely to catch stray hairs or makeup mistakes before leaving the house, not after. Replace anything fluorescent with halogen track lights, use bright but soft-white bulbs in common areas, and make sure your reading lamp is bright but without glare, to prevent eyestrain.
If you’re going out for lunch and want to look your best, sit with the light behind you, and let the other person get the light in his or her face. You’ll get a halo, and your lunch partner will be temporarily blinded. Choose a shadowed spot over a bright window: it’ll keep the UV rays off your epidermis, defray crow’s feet for another month, and soften the focus.
Anytime you can opt for candlelight at dinner, do that. I can’t think of a person in the world who doesn’t look better by candlelight: its soft, flickering play softens features, tones uneven colors and hides a multitude of skin imperfections. (Why do you think the best restaurants are also the candlelit ones?)
You can’t give makeup for a gift (it would be like giving control-top panty hose), but you can give the gift of perfect light. When I’m not sure what to give someone, I always choose candles and candleholders. I’m of the firm opinion that you can never have too many candles, and you can make them fit any gift occasion by altering their number or composition. If you want to spend a hundred dollars on something great, you can buy beeswax pillars. If you have six bucks, you can get a nice scented candle in a glass holder. Last week, I bought some terrific, exotic sandalwood candles for a co-worker’s birthday present, and had enough money left to buy myself a bunch, too.
Light has another important role in beauty--the beauty that comes from feeling happy and healthy. Research on light has shown that the amount of light most of us experience from day to day is inadequate for keeping us healthy. You have probably heard of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), in which people experience profound depression during the winter time, when light grows scarce. In northern regions like Scandinavia, Canada and Siberia, depression is significantly greater than in sunny, southern lands. But there are ways to mediate the effects of short, northern, winter-time days. SAD has long been treated by having sufferers sit under full-spectrum lights that mimic sunlight. A short exposure to bright light in the morning increases energy, decreases appetite and makes us feel better.
The human brain needs light coming through the eyes in order to create and release optimal amounts of serotonin, an important chemical for brain functioning. Without enough serotonin, we become sleepy, slow and depressed. Our bodies don't metabolize the way they should, leading to weight gain. As research becomes more sophisticated, we begin to understand the importance of daily amounts of bright light for our mental and physical health.
Outdoor light, even on a rainy day, is approximately twenty times the amount of normal indoor light. Since most of us spend our days inside, the available light is drastically cut, resulting in depression, lethargy, and a craving for sweets that hits hard once or twice a day. It is possible to remediate the effects of inadequate light by purchasing a full-spectrum light, or by making an extra effort to get outside for an hour during the day.
Beauty is all about light. We are constantly in search of glowing skin, sparkling eyes, and shiny hair. In fact, (as any movie star will tell you) much of what passes for external beauty is a carefully controlled mixture of reflection, absorption and shadow.
People with shiny, oily skin try to make it matte, absorbing light so pores also appear smaller. Powder is the most
frequent remedy for shiny skin, and the finer the powder, the more likely your chances of applying it effectively. Cheap powders can cake, or may contain talc that irritates skin. Some foundations also claim to contain powder, to minimize shine, but I haven’t found a good one yet. I’ll let you know when I do!
--Editors Tip ----------------------------------------------------------------------
A Quality Lighted Magnification Mirror is Must-Have Beauty Item
Perfect makeup and brows begin with being able to see yourself in the right light. Many bathroom vanities are constructed with low-wattage or even dim fluorescent lights that don't show you what other people will see. Do you work in daylight, under office lights or with halogen lamps? All these things affect the color of your skin and makeup, the visibility of blemishes or facial hair, even the lines on your face or the circles under your eyes. If you're blessed with great light, terrific! But most of us aren't, and it makes a difference in your overall look.
For plucking the perfect brow (or eradicating other unwanted facial hair), there's nothing more helpful than a mirror that magnifies. With magnification, you can grasp the unwanted hair with the right tweezers the first time. Add light to the mirror, and you can see everything up close; perfect for applying moisturizer, makeup, and tweezing.
See our favorite selection of lighted magnification mirrors that will make you morning beauty regime much easier to do and see.
As women age, our skin tends to dry out, so older women are often concerned with achieving a slightly shiny finish, which can be done with powders or foundations containing mica. Unfortunately, mica can also irritate skin or create sparkle (not glow), which is all right in the evening, by candlelight, but looks garish in broad daylight. Best of all in achieving glow without sparkle or grease, is finding the right moisturizer. A good moisturizer combines water with some sort of lipid, which helps skin absorb the water and hold onto it. The most popular lipids these days come from the all-powerful soybean plant.
Aside from using the right cosmetics, there are a few things you can do in regards to light to increase your outer beauty. First of all, pay attention to the light in your house. Your bathroom, or the room where you do your makeup should have strong, natural light. it plays hell with your ego, but you’re more likely to catch stray hairs or makeup mistakes before leaving the house, not after. Replace anything fluorescent with halogen track lights, use bright but soft-white bulbs in common areas, and make sure your reading lamp is bright but without glare, to prevent eyestrain.
If you’re going out for lunch and want to look your best, sit with the light behind you, and let the other person get the light in his or her face. You’ll get a halo, and your lunch partner will be temporarily blinded. Choose a shadowed spot over a bright window: it’ll keep the UV rays off your epidermis, defray crow’s feet for another month, and soften the focus.
Anytime you can opt for candlelight at dinner, do that. I can’t think of a person in the world who doesn’t look better by candlelight: its soft, flickering play softens features, tones uneven colors and hides a multitude of skin imperfections. (Why do you think the best restaurants are also the candlelit ones?)
You can’t give makeup for a gift (it would be like giving control-top panty hose), but you can give the gift of perfect light. When I’m not sure what to give someone, I always choose candles and candleholders. I’m of the firm opinion that you can never have too many candles, and you can make them fit any gift occasion by altering their number or composition. If you want to spend a hundred dollars on something great, you can buy beeswax pillars. If you have six bucks, you can get a nice scented candle in a glass holder. Last week, I bought some terrific, exotic sandalwood candles for a co-worker’s birthday present, and had enough money left to buy myself a bunch, too.
Light has another important role in beauty--the beauty that comes from feeling happy and healthy. Research on light has shown that the amount of light most of us experience from day to day is inadequate for keeping us healthy. You have probably heard of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), in which people experience profound depression during the winter time, when light grows scarce. In northern regions like Scandinavia, Canada and Siberia, depression is significantly greater than in sunny, southern lands. But there are ways to mediate the effects of short, northern, winter-time days. SAD has long been treated by having sufferers sit under full-spectrum lights that mimic sunlight. A short exposure to bright light in the morning increases energy, decreases appetite and makes us feel better.
The human brain needs light coming through the eyes in order to create and release optimal amounts of serotonin, an important chemical for brain functioning. Without enough serotonin, we become sleepy, slow and depressed. Our bodies don't metabolize the way they should, leading to weight gain. As research becomes more sophisticated, we begin to understand the importance of daily amounts of bright light for our mental and physical health.
Outdoor light, even on a rainy day, is approximately twenty times the amount of normal indoor light. Since most of us spend our days inside, the available light is drastically cut, resulting in depression, lethargy, and a craving for sweets that hits hard once or twice a day. It is possible to remediate the effects of inadequate light by purchasing a full-spectrum light, or by making an extra effort to get outside for an hour during the day.
Common Causes, Cures and Treatments of Insomnia
Common Causes, Cures and Treatments of Insomnia
Everyone suffers from insomnia at some time: my friend Elizabeth used to revel in it, experiencing extended sleeplessness for weeks at a time. When she was a pre-teen, she thought insomnia and the resulting dark under eye circles was a normal part of life because for her, it was. Her family would go to bed around 10:30, at which time she would turn on the light (or sneak into the living-room) and read until 3 or 4 AM. Getting up in the morning was hard, because Elizabeth was only getting about four hours of sleep at a time.
In her early twenties, she made insomnia work for her by studying late at night. She took a tremendous load of courses, worked a couple of part-time jobs, dated heavily and still had hours and hours left over. About once a semester, usually at finals week, she'd break down entirely and get whatever flu was going around: it was her body's main strategy for getting some rest.
As Elizabeth got older and settled down, insomnia settled down too. Maybe it was having someone else to cuddle with, or maybe the anxieties of her youth diminished. Anyway, she has maybe three nights a month when she can't sleep, and gets up to read in the living-room.
--Editor's Note-------------------------------------------------------------------
Discover How to Have a Peaceful Nights Sleep
Do you have difficulty getting to sleep, wake frequently during the night and can't get back to sleep easily, or wake in the morning before the birds? If so, you're not alone. Literally millions of people from every corner of the globe suffer from some form of sleep disorder. But the good news is that thousands of people are now discovering that there is a natural cure for their problem.
Read how you can wake up refreshed from a full nights sleep by using simple natural techiques to relax your body.
Elizabeth was pretty lucky, though. She found ways to cope with her body's insistence on staying awake. But millions of people experience insomnia, and when you have a demanding job or a fussy baby, a night of not being able to sleep can feel tortuous. And once you're in your thirties, insomnia has a strongly negative affect on your looks (hence the term, "beauty sleep"). Undereye circles, blotchy skin and bleary eyes are only three of the drawbacks of insomnia.
Insomnia is caused by so many factors that you can have one reason or six, each one potent enough to keep a person awake. When I can't sleep, I consider the following possible causes:
Common cause of insomnia and sleep deprivation disorder
1. Caffeine. Some people get jittery after a single cup of coffee and others can drink gallons with no discernable effect. In some situations, drinking moderate amounts of caffeine (which includes tea and cola, by the way) seems to have no effect until you've been at it for several days in a row. If I can't sleep and don't have a pressing reason for anxiety, I think back over the past several days and unusually realize I've been hitting the iced tea by the gallon. Leaving it alone for a few days usually puts things right again.
2. Stress. If you're worried or tense, insomnia comes along as part of the package. You can try a couple of techniques to relieve your tension enough to get to sleep.
a. Promise yourself you'll deal with whatever it is the very first thing in the morning. If you're like me, putting off paying a bill or making an unpleasant phone call can worry at me until I can't sleep. Promising to solve the problem helps you to temporarily shelve it (but you'd better keep that promise, or you'll never trust yourself again!)
b. Setting aside a daily time for worry can help you contain it. Take ten minutes out of each day and worry like crazy. Make lists of the things you're agonizing over, then rate each item from 1-10 on a "likelihood of happening" scale. When you find yourself worrying at other times of the day or night, remind yourself that you'll worry tomorrow, at 3PM and set it aside.
c. Imagine yourself taking a bundle of worries and locking them inside a cabinet. Take your time and be thorough. They may try to wiggle away or sneak out, but gather them all together. You may decide to put rubber bands around them or have them sedated. You might want to tie them together and roll them up like a fire hose. Be as creative as you can when picturing your worries and the way you're going to handle them. Will you stow them in an iron-bound trunk? A cedar chest? A garage or barn? Visualize the type of lock you'll use and see yourself locking the door or cabinet. Sometimes, just elaborating on this exercise is enough to put yourself to sleep.
d. If nothing you try seems to work, consider visiting a therapist to help you learn more about reducing your anxiety. Medications have proven very effective.
4. Hormones. Insomnia can result from hormonal fluctuations. Keeping an insomnia diary can help you figure out if sleeplessness is linked to your menstrual cycle. Sleeplessness is also one of the symptoms of menopause. If you're generally content with the way your hormones are performing, you may choose to induce sleep by having an extra glass of wine at night, or a hot bath. If hormones are causing you real problems, try herbal remedies or go have a chat with your ob-gyn about the latest in the medical community's understanding about women's sexual health.
5. Sugar. Eating late snacks or desserts can cause insomnia as your blood sugar races around trying to find something to do. Replace sweets with sugar-free snacks and see if it helps. Eating a meal late at night can also cause insomnia, either because of the rise in blood sugar or because trying to sleep before your meal is fully assimilated can give you indigestion.
6. Exercise. Studies have shown that when people exercise later in the evening, they also tend to have a harder time getting to sleep.
7. Too much alcohol. If you drink a lot, sleeplessness occurs when the body rebounds from the depressant effect of alcohol on the central nervous system. This happens to chronic alcoholics, but also to people who don't usually drink much but make an exception at a bachelor party and have more than a couple. Typically, alcohol makes us sleepy, but as the alcohol is metabolized by the body, the change wakes us up. Too much sugar can work the same way in reverse, first making us high and lively, then sending the blood sugar into a crashing low. Sugar is often a major cause of sleeplessness in children. They get hopped up on popsicles and won't go down for a nap. When a grown-up tries to get them to nap anyway, the blood sugar crash comes along, and the result is a screeching, wailing, but exhausted child. Fun stuff, huh!
We've all seen the commercials for pain relievers and cold medicines with "sleep aids", which often consist of either decongestants or alcohol. There are also herbal remedies, usually containing chamomile, which is a sleep aid know world-wide since medieval times. Valerian root ( to see an example of a .) smells stinky, even ground and in capsule form, but it's also effective and gentle. Of course, there are always pharmaceutical remedies for sleeplessness, but they should be last resorts, because they tend to be habit-forming and have other side effects.
If you don't have to go to work the next morning, insomnia can be pretty manageable. You might find that with punchiness comes creativity, so I wouldn't rule out getting out of bed to sketch, bake or plan next year's garden. Also, not having the stress of counting the hours until you have to get to work can often calm you down to the point of relaxation. If you're expected at work the next day, you could call in sick the night before. Then, if you can't get to sleep, you can stay home and rest the next day, and if you can get to sleep, you can show up the next day.
Everyone suffers from insomnia at some time: my friend Elizabeth used to revel in it, experiencing extended sleeplessness for weeks at a time. When she was a pre-teen, she thought insomnia and the resulting dark under eye circles was a normal part of life because for her, it was. Her family would go to bed around 10:30, at which time she would turn on the light (or sneak into the living-room) and read until 3 or 4 AM. Getting up in the morning was hard, because Elizabeth was only getting about four hours of sleep at a time.
In her early twenties, she made insomnia work for her by studying late at night. She took a tremendous load of courses, worked a couple of part-time jobs, dated heavily and still had hours and hours left over. About once a semester, usually at finals week, she'd break down entirely and get whatever flu was going around: it was her body's main strategy for getting some rest.
As Elizabeth got older and settled down, insomnia settled down too. Maybe it was having someone else to cuddle with, or maybe the anxieties of her youth diminished. Anyway, she has maybe three nights a month when she can't sleep, and gets up to read in the living-room.
--Editor's Note-------------------------------------------------------------------
Discover How to Have a Peaceful Nights Sleep
Do you have difficulty getting to sleep, wake frequently during the night and can't get back to sleep easily, or wake in the morning before the birds? If so, you're not alone. Literally millions of people from every corner of the globe suffer from some form of sleep disorder. But the good news is that thousands of people are now discovering that there is a natural cure for their problem.
Read how you can wake up refreshed from a full nights sleep by using simple natural techiques to relax your body.
Elizabeth was pretty lucky, though. She found ways to cope with her body's insistence on staying awake. But millions of people experience insomnia, and when you have a demanding job or a fussy baby, a night of not being able to sleep can feel tortuous. And once you're in your thirties, insomnia has a strongly negative affect on your looks (hence the term, "beauty sleep"). Undereye circles, blotchy skin and bleary eyes are only three of the drawbacks of insomnia.
Insomnia is caused by so many factors that you can have one reason or six, each one potent enough to keep a person awake. When I can't sleep, I consider the following possible causes:
Common cause of insomnia and sleep deprivation disorder
1. Caffeine. Some people get jittery after a single cup of coffee and others can drink gallons with no discernable effect. In some situations, drinking moderate amounts of caffeine (which includes tea and cola, by the way) seems to have no effect until you've been at it for several days in a row. If I can't sleep and don't have a pressing reason for anxiety, I think back over the past several days and unusually realize I've been hitting the iced tea by the gallon. Leaving it alone for a few days usually puts things right again.
2. Stress. If you're worried or tense, insomnia comes along as part of the package. You can try a couple of techniques to relieve your tension enough to get to sleep.
a. Promise yourself you'll deal with whatever it is the very first thing in the morning. If you're like me, putting off paying a bill or making an unpleasant phone call can worry at me until I can't sleep. Promising to solve the problem helps you to temporarily shelve it (but you'd better keep that promise, or you'll never trust yourself again!)
b. Setting aside a daily time for worry can help you contain it. Take ten minutes out of each day and worry like crazy. Make lists of the things you're agonizing over, then rate each item from 1-10 on a "likelihood of happening" scale. When you find yourself worrying at other times of the day or night, remind yourself that you'll worry tomorrow, at 3PM and set it aside.
c. Imagine yourself taking a bundle of worries and locking them inside a cabinet. Take your time and be thorough. They may try to wiggle away or sneak out, but gather them all together. You may decide to put rubber bands around them or have them sedated. You might want to tie them together and roll them up like a fire hose. Be as creative as you can when picturing your worries and the way you're going to handle them. Will you stow them in an iron-bound trunk? A cedar chest? A garage or barn? Visualize the type of lock you'll use and see yourself locking the door or cabinet. Sometimes, just elaborating on this exercise is enough to put yourself to sleep.
d. If nothing you try seems to work, consider visiting a therapist to help you learn more about reducing your anxiety. Medications have proven very effective.
4. Hormones. Insomnia can result from hormonal fluctuations. Keeping an insomnia diary can help you figure out if sleeplessness is linked to your menstrual cycle. Sleeplessness is also one of the symptoms of menopause. If you're generally content with the way your hormones are performing, you may choose to induce sleep by having an extra glass of wine at night, or a hot bath. If hormones are causing you real problems, try herbal remedies or go have a chat with your ob-gyn about the latest in the medical community's understanding about women's sexual health.
5. Sugar. Eating late snacks or desserts can cause insomnia as your blood sugar races around trying to find something to do. Replace sweets with sugar-free snacks and see if it helps. Eating a meal late at night can also cause insomnia, either because of the rise in blood sugar or because trying to sleep before your meal is fully assimilated can give you indigestion.
6. Exercise. Studies have shown that when people exercise later in the evening, they also tend to have a harder time getting to sleep.
7. Too much alcohol. If you drink a lot, sleeplessness occurs when the body rebounds from the depressant effect of alcohol on the central nervous system. This happens to chronic alcoholics, but also to people who don't usually drink much but make an exception at a bachelor party and have more than a couple. Typically, alcohol makes us sleepy, but as the alcohol is metabolized by the body, the change wakes us up. Too much sugar can work the same way in reverse, first making us high and lively, then sending the blood sugar into a crashing low. Sugar is often a major cause of sleeplessness in children. They get hopped up on popsicles and won't go down for a nap. When a grown-up tries to get them to nap anyway, the blood sugar crash comes along, and the result is a screeching, wailing, but exhausted child. Fun stuff, huh!
We've all seen the commercials for pain relievers and cold medicines with "sleep aids", which often consist of either decongestants or alcohol. There are also herbal remedies, usually containing chamomile, which is a sleep aid know world-wide since medieval times. Valerian root ( to see an example of a .) smells stinky, even ground and in capsule form, but it's also effective and gentle. Of course, there are always pharmaceutical remedies for sleeplessness, but they should be last resorts, because they tend to be habit-forming and have other side effects.
If you don't have to go to work the next morning, insomnia can be pretty manageable. You might find that with punchiness comes creativity, so I wouldn't rule out getting out of bed to sketch, bake or plan next year's garden. Also, not having the stress of counting the hours until you have to get to work can often calm you down to the point of relaxation. If you're expected at work the next day, you could call in sick the night before. Then, if you can't get to sleep, you can stay home and rest the next day, and if you can get to sleep, you can show up the next day.
Stress Reduction and Relief: Exercise Techniques, Devices and Workplace Healing Tips to Reduce Everyday Mental Anxiety.
Stress Reduction and Relief: Exercise Techniques, Devices and Workplace Healing Tips to Reduce Everyday Mental Anxiety.
Stress Reduction Secrets Even Your Mother Might Not Know!
Today’s daily pace may feel like it runs at over 100mph and women everywhere are feeling the impact. Whether it comes out as anxiety or even pain, stress can engulf the average woman’s life quickly and without much warning. As doctors are learning more about stress, they often encourage those under a great deal of tension, to find ways in reducing the stress in their lives.
While tense parents can’t very well reduce their relationship with their children and employees can’t eliminate stress altogether at their job, there are simple and natural techniques of gaining effective stress reduction and overall stress relief. Anyone can overcome worry or nervousness and learn how to start coping and dealing with stress in positive and effective ways. These tips are useful stress reduction secrets that can help you get your life under control, getting you back on the road to relaxation and happiness.
--Editors Tip ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Squeezing in Time to Relax
Finding time for relaxation and stress relief can often be just another source of stress in our busy everyday lives. Careers, carpooling, organizing, entertaining, and all of the other roles we have to play on a daily basis can really sap the energy. Meditation, yoga, and pilates are known to be surefire stress busters when you work them into your daily routine. Sadly, getting to a class or meeting can be difficult! For those women that are too busy to find time during the day to meditate, stretch, or relax the mind and body, there are now online classes and courses designed with the busy woman in mind. The convenience of being able to enjoy the benefits of meditation, yoga, or Pilates from home, work, or travel, and at any time of the day means that there is no excuse for finding the time to rejuvenate your body and spirit.
Is this a convenient time for you to relax and rejuvenate?
Exercise & Meditation for Stress Free Life
Experts agree the number one way to reduce stress is surprisingly not involved with prescription medication. Instead, the best way to reduce stress in your life is by exercising. Yes, not only does exercise help you stay healthy and look great, but it also encourages your body to produce natural stress-relieving hormones. Relaxation holistic exercises including Pilates, yoga and mediation are the perfect solutions for those wanting to be stress-free and stay healthy.
Work place Choices to Reduce Anxiety
Work place stress is among the most commonly mentioned when discussion tension. Many people find their job overwhelming, with mental stress in the workplace spreading through all industries. While you can’t likely quit working there are techniques you can do to reduce your work related stressors. First, bringing work home is a big mistake. If you aren’t required to work at home, there is no reason to bring work from the office to your house. Many people find it difficult to set time boundaries when it comes to their job, and thus find themselves working non-stop at the office and at home. Choose to set stopping times and stick to them. Remember, while work is important, it can certainly wait until the morning.
Healing Diet & Eating Habits
Studies now show a person’s diet can directly affect their behavior. This is most often studied in children with conditions such as autism, however it directly relates to healthy adults as well. Proper eating habits can do wonders for your stress level. Not only will you look and feel better, but when you properly fuel your body, you’ll have more energy to get things done. Your life will be efficient and ultimately less stressful. Eliminating refined sugar, caffeine and un-whole wheat is a terrific way to begin your new stress-free life plan.
Healing Workshops & Stress Reduction Clinics
You may want to bond over stress-relief concepts. If so, sign up for a local healing workshop. These classes are offered all around the world and can provide you with wonderful methods of controlling stress. You can often find information on them at your local health clinic.
Useful Stress Relief Devices
If you’re the type of person that tends to get a bit aggressive when you get overwhelmed, think about purchasing a squeeze reliever. These squishy balls are perfect to take your aggression out on when you’re feeling as if you need a time out. Although the concept seems quite juvenile, you’ll be shocked to notice how great it feels to squeeze one when you’re feeling out of control.
Natural Herbal Stress Management
Sure, prescription stress medications are necessary for some people. But, if you are under a normal amount of stress and are otherwise healthy you may want to forgo the chemicals and stick with herbal assistance. Herbs like St. John’s Wort, Black Seed and Chi Herbal are the perfect solution for those who’d rather take the natural route.
Stress Reduction Secrets Even Your Mother Might Not Know!
Today’s daily pace may feel like it runs at over 100mph and women everywhere are feeling the impact. Whether it comes out as anxiety or even pain, stress can engulf the average woman’s life quickly and without much warning. As doctors are learning more about stress, they often encourage those under a great deal of tension, to find ways in reducing the stress in their lives.
While tense parents can’t very well reduce their relationship with their children and employees can’t eliminate stress altogether at their job, there are simple and natural techniques of gaining effective stress reduction and overall stress relief. Anyone can overcome worry or nervousness and learn how to start coping and dealing with stress in positive and effective ways. These tips are useful stress reduction secrets that can help you get your life under control, getting you back on the road to relaxation and happiness.
--Editors Tip ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Squeezing in Time to Relax
Finding time for relaxation and stress relief can often be just another source of stress in our busy everyday lives. Careers, carpooling, organizing, entertaining, and all of the other roles we have to play on a daily basis can really sap the energy. Meditation, yoga, and pilates are known to be surefire stress busters when you work them into your daily routine. Sadly, getting to a class or meeting can be difficult! For those women that are too busy to find time during the day to meditate, stretch, or relax the mind and body, there are now online classes and courses designed with the busy woman in mind. The convenience of being able to enjoy the benefits of meditation, yoga, or Pilates from home, work, or travel, and at any time of the day means that there is no excuse for finding the time to rejuvenate your body and spirit.
Is this a convenient time for you to relax and rejuvenate?
Exercise & Meditation for Stress Free Life
Experts agree the number one way to reduce stress is surprisingly not involved with prescription medication. Instead, the best way to reduce stress in your life is by exercising. Yes, not only does exercise help you stay healthy and look great, but it also encourages your body to produce natural stress-relieving hormones. Relaxation holistic exercises including Pilates, yoga and mediation are the perfect solutions for those wanting to be stress-free and stay healthy.
Work place Choices to Reduce Anxiety
Work place stress is among the most commonly mentioned when discussion tension. Many people find their job overwhelming, with mental stress in the workplace spreading through all industries. While you can’t likely quit working there are techniques you can do to reduce your work related stressors. First, bringing work home is a big mistake. If you aren’t required to work at home, there is no reason to bring work from the office to your house. Many people find it difficult to set time boundaries when it comes to their job, and thus find themselves working non-stop at the office and at home. Choose to set stopping times and stick to them. Remember, while work is important, it can certainly wait until the morning.
Healing Diet & Eating Habits
Studies now show a person’s diet can directly affect their behavior. This is most often studied in children with conditions such as autism, however it directly relates to healthy adults as well. Proper eating habits can do wonders for your stress level. Not only will you look and feel better, but when you properly fuel your body, you’ll have more energy to get things done. Your life will be efficient and ultimately less stressful. Eliminating refined sugar, caffeine and un-whole wheat is a terrific way to begin your new stress-free life plan.
Healing Workshops & Stress Reduction Clinics
You may want to bond over stress-relief concepts. If so, sign up for a local healing workshop. These classes are offered all around the world and can provide you with wonderful methods of controlling stress. You can often find information on them at your local health clinic.
Useful Stress Relief Devices
If you’re the type of person that tends to get a bit aggressive when you get overwhelmed, think about purchasing a squeeze reliever. These squishy balls are perfect to take your aggression out on when you’re feeling as if you need a time out. Although the concept seems quite juvenile, you’ll be shocked to notice how great it feels to squeeze one when you’re feeling out of control.
Natural Herbal Stress Management
Sure, prescription stress medications are necessary for some people. But, if you are under a normal amount of stress and are otherwise healthy you may want to forgo the chemicals and stick with herbal assistance. Herbs like St. John’s Wort, Black Seed and Chi Herbal are the perfect solution for those who’d rather take the natural route.
Dry, Chapped Lips Healing Tips: Causes and How to Cure Cracked Lips with the Right Treatments
Dry, Chapped Lips Healing Tips: Causes and How to Cure Cracked Lips with the Right Treatments
While most people think of chapped lips being a winter time woe, the truth is dry lips can occur in any season. Chapped lips can become very painful, especially if ignored. Not only are flaky lips unattractive, but living with sore lips can be severely aggravating!
Main Causes Of Cracked Lips
Chapped lips (medically known as cheilitis) are caused by several things. Most people are familiar with the fact if they lick their lips during cold or windy weather, they could become chapped. Most people stock up on Vaseline or lip balm during the winter months. Layering on a natural lip protectant before heading out into the extremities is a good way to prevent chapped lips.
Chapped lips can also be caused by excessive licking of the lips. There are thousands of people who have a habit of licking their lips multiple times throughout the day. This extreme licking routine can cause irritation of the skin on and around the mouth (including the lips).
Most people find themselves licking their lips more than needed because they feel as if their lips are constantly dry. Children are the most common offenders of this habit. The best way to counteract this type of habit and resulting chapping is by ensuring the lips are constantly moisturized. Therefore, you don’t feel as if you need to lick your lips throughout the day.
Moisturize Lips More Than Your Skin
One of the best ways to learn how to prevent chapped lips is by remembering to consistently moisturize your lips. Sure, you may spend a great deal of time applying lotion and cream to your face and body. However, you should not forget your lips. Beauty tips experts agree the skin on the lips is as sensitive as the skin on your eyes. It should be treated with care! Products from Chapstick or Burts Bees are often great choices in lip moisturization.
Finding a Remedy that Dry Lips Treatment that Works
Finding a treatment that works for your chapped lips can be a bit of a challenge. What works for some people, may not work well for others. While there’s not a technical cure for chapped lips, there are many remedies you can try at home. To soothe chapped lips, apply a thick lip balm. Many people choose to use plain Vaseline instead of trying to medicate with other lip treatments.
Any ointment with natural ingredients is ideal to help your lips heal with ease. While your lips are healing, be sure not to lick your lips or get excess saliva in mouth and lip area. As your lips are almost healed, you can take a toothbrush and softly brush it across your lips to remove all dead skin. Be careful when doing this, as you don’t want to cause further damage.
While most people think of chapped lips being a winter time woe, the truth is dry lips can occur in any season. Chapped lips can become very painful, especially if ignored. Not only are flaky lips unattractive, but living with sore lips can be severely aggravating!
Main Causes Of Cracked Lips
Chapped lips (medically known as cheilitis) are caused by several things. Most people are familiar with the fact if they lick their lips during cold or windy weather, they could become chapped. Most people stock up on Vaseline or lip balm during the winter months. Layering on a natural lip protectant before heading out into the extremities is a good way to prevent chapped lips.
Chapped lips can also be caused by excessive licking of the lips. There are thousands of people who have a habit of licking their lips multiple times throughout the day. This extreme licking routine can cause irritation of the skin on and around the mouth (including the lips).
Most people find themselves licking their lips more than needed because they feel as if their lips are constantly dry. Children are the most common offenders of this habit. The best way to counteract this type of habit and resulting chapping is by ensuring the lips are constantly moisturized. Therefore, you don’t feel as if you need to lick your lips throughout the day.
Moisturize Lips More Than Your Skin
One of the best ways to learn how to prevent chapped lips is by remembering to consistently moisturize your lips. Sure, you may spend a great deal of time applying lotion and cream to your face and body. However, you should not forget your lips. Beauty tips experts agree the skin on the lips is as sensitive as the skin on your eyes. It should be treated with care! Products from Chapstick or Burts Bees are often great choices in lip moisturization.
Finding a Remedy that Dry Lips Treatment that Works
Finding a treatment that works for your chapped lips can be a bit of a challenge. What works for some people, may not work well for others. While there’s not a technical cure for chapped lips, there are many remedies you can try at home. To soothe chapped lips, apply a thick lip balm. Many people choose to use plain Vaseline instead of trying to medicate with other lip treatments.
Any ointment with natural ingredients is ideal to help your lips heal with ease. While your lips are healing, be sure not to lick your lips or get excess saliva in mouth and lip area. As your lips are almost healed, you can take a toothbrush and softly brush it across your lips to remove all dead skin. Be careful when doing this, as you don’t want to cause further damage.
Natural Beauty: Makeup Tips & Hints Give Your Skin a Younger, Fresh Look
Natural Beauty: Makeup Tips & Hints Give Your Skin a Younger, Fresh Look
Did you know the cosmetics you use could be making you look years older than you actually are? Many women instantly assume makeup takes years from their “face age”. However, when done incorrectly makeup can actually make your face appear to be much older than it is. Use these tips and secrets to help you look younger at all times!
A Younger Look Is Top Priority
When it comes to skin care, most women focus on reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Although you might not be able to completely cover your already present wrinkles, there are a few things you can do to make them less noticeable. The most important thing to remember is to keep it light!
Fresh, clean skin always appears full of youth. While you might be tempted pile on concealer and foundation, be warned. Adding layers of makeup on top of these fine lines can be a mistake! Instead, choose a light weight oil free beauty products to give your skin a slight tint. It will give you just enough coverage, without caking in your wrinkle areas. Natural makeup with added moisture is most important when it comes to concealing fine lines. In addition, the extra moisture can help you prevent more lines from appearing in the future.
Hints for Using Concealer Under The Eyes
Another area of concern when trying to look more youthful is the under-eye area. The skin under your eyes is some of the most delicate skin on your body. Therefore, it can easily show wear and tear from stress and skin-abuse. To brighten up the eye area, consider using a small amount of concealer directly under your eye. This can help you with under-eye circles. Use a tint one-shade lighter than your foundation and blend it well. To apply the concealer (or any other product to this area of your face) be sure to use your ring finger and pat the product on. Your ring finger will apply the least amount of pressure. Other fingers can be too rough and actually damage the delicate skin in the area.
After applying the concealer and a light dusting of powder, use a light colored eye shadow all over your lid. Dab a bit of the shadow in the corner area of your eye (next to the bridge of your nose) and a bit under your bottom eye lashes as well. This will help your eyes look bright and youthful. Finish with a bit of mascara and you’re ready to go!
Secrets for Lips & Cheeks
Just because you’re aging doesn’t mean you should pile on the red lipstick! Sure, it may be appropriate in some instances but not for everyday wear. You may not be dealing with blemishes (like a teenager) but you may be dealing with a lipstick crisis! To look younger, choose a dewy lipstick-gloss combination. Most brands (such as Sephora, Clinique and Loreal) are all offering this type of lipstick. It gives you a hint of color, without going matte. The shiny or “dew” of this lip choice instantly adds youth to your face.
For the cheeks, stick with a natural and light blush. Mineral blushes are often fool-proof and natural in color. Apply a bit to the apples of your cheeks and go! Remember, it’s easier to start with a little bit of blush and add more rather than adding too much blush and trying to tone it down. A quick hint: If you add too much blush, use your powder to lightly dust the area, toning down the intensity of the color.
The Natural Way to a Younger Look
Overall, there’s no steadfast advice or answers when it comes to looking younger. While a facial or a microdermabrasion session might help you on a monthly basis, choosing the right makeup can help you daily! So, remember to keep it light and dewy for the youngest look possible.
Did you know the cosmetics you use could be making you look years older than you actually are? Many women instantly assume makeup takes years from their “face age”. However, when done incorrectly makeup can actually make your face appear to be much older than it is. Use these tips and secrets to help you look younger at all times!
A Younger Look Is Top Priority
When it comes to skin care, most women focus on reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Although you might not be able to completely cover your already present wrinkles, there are a few things you can do to make them less noticeable. The most important thing to remember is to keep it light!
Fresh, clean skin always appears full of youth. While you might be tempted pile on concealer and foundation, be warned. Adding layers of makeup on top of these fine lines can be a mistake! Instead, choose a light weight oil free beauty products to give your skin a slight tint. It will give you just enough coverage, without caking in your wrinkle areas. Natural makeup with added moisture is most important when it comes to concealing fine lines. In addition, the extra moisture can help you prevent more lines from appearing in the future.
Hints for Using Concealer Under The Eyes
Another area of concern when trying to look more youthful is the under-eye area. The skin under your eyes is some of the most delicate skin on your body. Therefore, it can easily show wear and tear from stress and skin-abuse. To brighten up the eye area, consider using a small amount of concealer directly under your eye. This can help you with under-eye circles. Use a tint one-shade lighter than your foundation and blend it well. To apply the concealer (or any other product to this area of your face) be sure to use your ring finger and pat the product on. Your ring finger will apply the least amount of pressure. Other fingers can be too rough and actually damage the delicate skin in the area.
After applying the concealer and a light dusting of powder, use a light colored eye shadow all over your lid. Dab a bit of the shadow in the corner area of your eye (next to the bridge of your nose) and a bit under your bottom eye lashes as well. This will help your eyes look bright and youthful. Finish with a bit of mascara and you’re ready to go!
Secrets for Lips & Cheeks
Just because you’re aging doesn’t mean you should pile on the red lipstick! Sure, it may be appropriate in some instances but not for everyday wear. You may not be dealing with blemishes (like a teenager) but you may be dealing with a lipstick crisis! To look younger, choose a dewy lipstick-gloss combination. Most brands (such as Sephora, Clinique and Loreal) are all offering this type of lipstick. It gives you a hint of color, without going matte. The shiny or “dew” of this lip choice instantly adds youth to your face.
For the cheeks, stick with a natural and light blush. Mineral blushes are often fool-proof and natural in color. Apply a bit to the apples of your cheeks and go! Remember, it’s easier to start with a little bit of blush and add more rather than adding too much blush and trying to tone it down. A quick hint: If you add too much blush, use your powder to lightly dust the area, toning down the intensity of the color.
The Natural Way to a Younger Look
Overall, there’s no steadfast advice or answers when it comes to looking younger. While a facial or a microdermabrasion session might help you on a monthly basis, choosing the right makeup can help you daily! So, remember to keep it light and dewy for the youngest look possible.
UV Rays in Indoor Salon Tanning Beds: Effects on Skin and Tips About Safe Products
UV Rays in Indoor Salon Tanning Beds: Effects on Skin and Tips About Safe Products
Why continue abusing your skin with your addiction to tanning beds, when there are terrific self-tanning lotion options available today? While a tan may be the most attractive accessory in the world, the health issues that come with UV tanning aren’t attractive in any way! Take a look at how UV rays can not only wreck your skin, but also wreck havoc on your health.
UV Tanning Leads To Health Wrinkles and Cancer
You may be well aware of the dangers associated with getting too much sun. You may even wear sunscreen every time you hit the outdoor pool to avoid getting a sunburn. But, did you know tanning beds can be just as dangerous? Tanning beds come with harmful skin effects. Not only do their ultraviolet rays lead to increased wrinkles, but they can also cause cancer. Melanoma, basal and squamous cell carcinomas are often found on the face and neck. However, when you tan often they can be found all over the body. These are deadly forms of cancer that are often caught too late to be treated.
Every single time you expose your skin to UV rays, you are putting yourself at a great danger of developing skin cancer. Getting a yearly skin check is vital to your health. Your doctor can examine your skin and note any changes in moles and appearance. This could be the one thing that saves your life, if you are plagued with skin cancer. Skin cancer is genetic (in many cases) and can strike at any age. Unlike other cancers which most often strike older generations, skin cancer is not uncommon to see in your 20s and 30s. In fact, even teens can be diagnosed. Therefore, it’s even more important to protect your children while in the sun.
Sunless Alternatives To UV Tanning
Since you now know what tanning beds can do for your health, we’ll give you the good news. Safe self tanning products are more abundant than ever! No longer are the days of the orange-self-tanning experiences. Instead, tanners can choose from the best posh sunless salons to indoor airbrushing. Those who are still a bit unsure about applying self-tanners themselves can step into a spray tanning booth for fool-proof application. Lasting only about one minute, these booths are ideal for people who want color instantly and without risks to the health.
If spray tanning booths aren’t in your budget, consider getting a natural tanning enhancer lotion. These lotions allow you to tan gradually, which often lead to an even tanning experience. They work with your body’s natural melanin to give you a great color. Enhanced with bronzer products, they allow you to develop a natural glow over time. Coppertone, European Gold and Swedish Beauty are all brands offering natural means of bronzing and tanning your skin in a risk-free manner.
Keep Skin Safe, Try Bronzer
Remember, you can get that glowing tan you love without exposing yourself to harmful UV rays. Try self-tanning methods to see which one best fits your needs. You’ll likely find today’s formulas are safe and effective. They no longer leave you with orange palms or streaks of brown on your legs. Instead, they can be applied easily and without error. You can get a glow in four hours or less, without the risks associated with tanning indoors or outdoors.
Why continue abusing your skin with your addiction to tanning beds, when there are terrific self-tanning lotion options available today? While a tan may be the most attractive accessory in the world, the health issues that come with UV tanning aren’t attractive in any way! Take a look at how UV rays can not only wreck your skin, but also wreck havoc on your health.
UV Tanning Leads To Health Wrinkles and Cancer
You may be well aware of the dangers associated with getting too much sun. You may even wear sunscreen every time you hit the outdoor pool to avoid getting a sunburn. But, did you know tanning beds can be just as dangerous? Tanning beds come with harmful skin effects. Not only do their ultraviolet rays lead to increased wrinkles, but they can also cause cancer. Melanoma, basal and squamous cell carcinomas are often found on the face and neck. However, when you tan often they can be found all over the body. These are deadly forms of cancer that are often caught too late to be treated.
Every single time you expose your skin to UV rays, you are putting yourself at a great danger of developing skin cancer. Getting a yearly skin check is vital to your health. Your doctor can examine your skin and note any changes in moles and appearance. This could be the one thing that saves your life, if you are plagued with skin cancer. Skin cancer is genetic (in many cases) and can strike at any age. Unlike other cancers which most often strike older generations, skin cancer is not uncommon to see in your 20s and 30s. In fact, even teens can be diagnosed. Therefore, it’s even more important to protect your children while in the sun.
Sunless Alternatives To UV Tanning
Since you now know what tanning beds can do for your health, we’ll give you the good news. Safe self tanning products are more abundant than ever! No longer are the days of the orange-self-tanning experiences. Instead, tanners can choose from the best posh sunless salons to indoor airbrushing. Those who are still a bit unsure about applying self-tanners themselves can step into a spray tanning booth for fool-proof application. Lasting only about one minute, these booths are ideal for people who want color instantly and without risks to the health.
If spray tanning booths aren’t in your budget, consider getting a natural tanning enhancer lotion. These lotions allow you to tan gradually, which often lead to an even tanning experience. They work with your body’s natural melanin to give you a great color. Enhanced with bronzer products, they allow you to develop a natural glow over time. Coppertone, European Gold and Swedish Beauty are all brands offering natural means of bronzing and tanning your skin in a risk-free manner.
Keep Skin Safe, Try Bronzer
Remember, you can get that glowing tan you love without exposing yourself to harmful UV rays. Try self-tanning methods to see which one best fits your needs. You’ll likely find today’s formulas are safe and effective. They no longer leave you with orange palms or streaks of brown on your legs. Instead, they can be applied easily and without error. You can get a glow in four hours or less, without the risks associated with tanning indoors or outdoors.
Techniques for Monthly Self Breast Exams
Techniques for Monthly Self Breast Exams
In a time when cancer prevention is more important than ever before, women all over the world are doing everything they can to protect their health. Most gynecologists and the American Cancer Association recommend women do monthly self breast exams beginning at the age of 20, throughout the rest of their life.
Doctors suggest these exams because they say when women regularly examine the area, they become more aware of what’s normal and what’s new. Any changes (masses, lumps, appearance) are often easily detected by women who do monthly self breast exams. Detecting these changes is important, as changes can be early signs of cancer. It’s important to say, most of the time changes don’t necessarily mean you have cancer. But, all changes should be reported promptly to your doctor.
When should you perform self breast exams?
It’s a good idea to perform your self breast exams at the same time each month. Some women go through the routine the week after their period, when their breast area is not swollen or tender. Those who no longer have periods can set a date, such as the 1st of the month and do the examination every month on that particular date.
How to do a self breast check:
Step 1: Stand in front of a mirror (shirtless/braless) with your arms at your sides. Look at your chest to see if any changes should be noted. Then, stand with your hands on your hips and look for changes. Lastly, raise your arms and flex your chest muscles, looking for changes.
Step 2: Check out the appearance of your breasts, looking for changes in contour, swelling, dimpling of the skin and the nipple. Most women don’t have “matching breasts” and will notice changes from one to the other. But, you will know what’s normal for you and what’s not.
Step 3: Use the pads of your fingertips to firmly (no pain should occur) on your breast area. Check your entire breast and armpit. You can use a circular motion, an up-and-down motion or a wedge pattern motion. Whatever motion you choose, be sure to use the same one each month on both breasts. Use whichever one is easiest for you to remember.
Step 4: Lay down and start with the right breast. Put a pillow under your right shoulder and place your right hand under your head. Do the same fingers motion and procedure on the breast again, which you did standing up. Repeat for the left breast, checking all tissue during the screening.
Step 5: In a gentle way, squeeze each nipple and report any discharge which may occur immediately to your doctor.
It’s important to see your doctor for exams each year and follow their recommendations on getting a mammogram to check the breast area and lymph node areas. Remember, even if you have a lump diagnosis, it’s likely it’s benign and rarely will turn out malignant.
In a time when cancer prevention is more important than ever before, women all over the world are doing everything they can to protect their health. Most gynecologists and the American Cancer Association recommend women do monthly self breast exams beginning at the age of 20, throughout the rest of their life.
Doctors suggest these exams because they say when women regularly examine the area, they become more aware of what’s normal and what’s new. Any changes (masses, lumps, appearance) are often easily detected by women who do monthly self breast exams. Detecting these changes is important, as changes can be early signs of cancer. It’s important to say, most of the time changes don’t necessarily mean you have cancer. But, all changes should be reported promptly to your doctor.
When should you perform self breast exams?
It’s a good idea to perform your self breast exams at the same time each month. Some women go through the routine the week after their period, when their breast area is not swollen or tender. Those who no longer have periods can set a date, such as the 1st of the month and do the examination every month on that particular date.
How to do a self breast check:
Step 1: Stand in front of a mirror (shirtless/braless) with your arms at your sides. Look at your chest to see if any changes should be noted. Then, stand with your hands on your hips and look for changes. Lastly, raise your arms and flex your chest muscles, looking for changes.
Step 2: Check out the appearance of your breasts, looking for changes in contour, swelling, dimpling of the skin and the nipple. Most women don’t have “matching breasts” and will notice changes from one to the other. But, you will know what’s normal for you and what’s not.
Step 3: Use the pads of your fingertips to firmly (no pain should occur) on your breast area. Check your entire breast and armpit. You can use a circular motion, an up-and-down motion or a wedge pattern motion. Whatever motion you choose, be sure to use the same one each month on both breasts. Use whichever one is easiest for you to remember.
Step 4: Lay down and start with the right breast. Put a pillow under your right shoulder and place your right hand under your head. Do the same fingers motion and procedure on the breast again, which you did standing up. Repeat for the left breast, checking all tissue during the screening.
Step 5: In a gentle way, squeeze each nipple and report any discharge which may occur immediately to your doctor.
It’s important to see your doctor for exams each year and follow their recommendations on getting a mammogram to check the breast area and lymph node areas. Remember, even if you have a lump diagnosis, it’s likely it’s benign and rarely will turn out malignant.
Relaxation Techniques and Tips for Stress Management
Relaxation Techniques and Tips for Stress Management
Everyone experiences stress occasionally but if you suffer from chronic stress you should consider stress management. Stress can increase a person’s risk for cardiovascular disease such as heart attacks, heart disease, hypertension and stroke.
Uncontrolled stress can cause painful migraine headaches and sever muscle tension. Stress is so powerful that it can actually be measured through a process called biofeedback. This process measures bodily function such as sweat production, heart rate, and skin temperature and shows proof that when a person is stressed the body reacts physically. For better health stress reduction is necessary.
Through simple relaxation techniques stress can be relieved and managed with success through easy do it you methods that benefit the mind and body. Here are six easy relaxation techniques that you can do at home, the office and travel.
1.Exercise- Many of us crinkle our nose at exercise but all exercise is beneficial to the body. Running, swimming, yoga and tai chi are all forms of exercise that remove tension from the body and allow the mind to free itself from stress inducing thoughts. Choose a physical activity that you enjoy and perform it for 30 minutes at least three days per week and you will begin to sleep better (natural insomnia cure) and feel better in a short amount of time. You decrease your risk of cardiovascular disease, obesity and diabetes in one easy to do step.
2.Meditation- When you have a moment to yourself anywhere from the bathroom to the elevator, close your eyes and focus on your breath. By concentrating on the slow inhale and exhale you are literally breathing in rejuvenation and exhaling negativity. Your pulse slows, your mind clears and you will relieve tension. Its easy, it can be performed anywhere and its free!
3.Music- Music affects us emotionally. By listening to classical, new age or psychedelic music you can find yourself relaxing without even knowing it. Not only music but also soothing sounds such as the ocean or crickets can also soothe a busy mind and induce stress relief.
4.Massage- Stress creates tension in the neck and shoulders. As muscles are connected when one muscle becomes overly tense it tugs on the attached muscle and can create back pain, leg pain and so on. Headaches and fatigue are often experienced due to stress. A deep tissue massage can literally rub out muscle tension and create a greater sense of pain free peace.
5.Aromatherapy- Such as music, scents can ease stress without us being conscious of it. Scents including lavender, chamomile, vanilla and rose can create a soothing effect. You can use scented candles, potpourri or scented oils to infuse the air with relaxing smells.
6.A Warm Bath- It works and it’s as simple as it gets. Fill your tub with warm water, bubbles and or bath salts and ease tension. The warmth allows muscles to let go of tension and by adding a relaxing fragrance to the water or room creates a dual assault on stress.
Stress takes a toll on us if we allow it to. It’s a natural response to both the physical and emotional threats that we face each day. A healthy life is balanced life. Stress happens but you don’t have to let it harm your health. By following the simple tips above you can breathe easier, sleep better and enjoy a more pleasant life through relaxation techniques.
Everyone experiences stress occasionally but if you suffer from chronic stress you should consider stress management. Stress can increase a person’s risk for cardiovascular disease such as heart attacks, heart disease, hypertension and stroke.
Uncontrolled stress can cause painful migraine headaches and sever muscle tension. Stress is so powerful that it can actually be measured through a process called biofeedback. This process measures bodily function such as sweat production, heart rate, and skin temperature and shows proof that when a person is stressed the body reacts physically. For better health stress reduction is necessary.
Through simple relaxation techniques stress can be relieved and managed with success through easy do it you methods that benefit the mind and body. Here are six easy relaxation techniques that you can do at home, the office and travel.
1.Exercise- Many of us crinkle our nose at exercise but all exercise is beneficial to the body. Running, swimming, yoga and tai chi are all forms of exercise that remove tension from the body and allow the mind to free itself from stress inducing thoughts. Choose a physical activity that you enjoy and perform it for 30 minutes at least three days per week and you will begin to sleep better (natural insomnia cure) and feel better in a short amount of time. You decrease your risk of cardiovascular disease, obesity and diabetes in one easy to do step.
2.Meditation- When you have a moment to yourself anywhere from the bathroom to the elevator, close your eyes and focus on your breath. By concentrating on the slow inhale and exhale you are literally breathing in rejuvenation and exhaling negativity. Your pulse slows, your mind clears and you will relieve tension. Its easy, it can be performed anywhere and its free!
3.Music- Music affects us emotionally. By listening to classical, new age or psychedelic music you can find yourself relaxing without even knowing it. Not only music but also soothing sounds such as the ocean or crickets can also soothe a busy mind and induce stress relief.
4.Massage- Stress creates tension in the neck and shoulders. As muscles are connected when one muscle becomes overly tense it tugs on the attached muscle and can create back pain, leg pain and so on. Headaches and fatigue are often experienced due to stress. A deep tissue massage can literally rub out muscle tension and create a greater sense of pain free peace.
5.Aromatherapy- Such as music, scents can ease stress without us being conscious of it. Scents including lavender, chamomile, vanilla and rose can create a soothing effect. You can use scented candles, potpourri or scented oils to infuse the air with relaxing smells.
6.A Warm Bath- It works and it’s as simple as it gets. Fill your tub with warm water, bubbles and or bath salts and ease tension. The warmth allows muscles to let go of tension and by adding a relaxing fragrance to the water or room creates a dual assault on stress.
Stress takes a toll on us if we allow it to. It’s a natural response to both the physical and emotional threats that we face each day. A healthy life is balanced life. Stress happens but you don’t have to let it harm your health. By following the simple tips above you can breathe easier, sleep better and enjoy a more pleasant life through relaxation techniques.
Life Stresses Influences Beauty
Life Stresses Influences Beauty: Fight the Effects of Stress on Your Beauty
We all experience stress from time to time, but when stress occurs frequently (chronic stress) and is left uncontrolled it can cause both health concerns and a hazard to your appearance. Stress is a natural response to emotional or physical threats. This can be from work, a daily commute or family life. Stress causes a state of alarm, which produces adrenaline and increases levels of cortisol. Cortisol is a hormone that can effect oil production in the skin and creates higher levels of visceral fat (abdominal fat). Increased oil production can lead to skin condition flair ups such as eczema, rosacea, psoriasis, hives and acne. Stress also makes the body more susceptible to infection and causes the skin to repair itself more slowly.
Stress, Beauty and Skin Affects
Stress affects beauty through skin condition worries such as blemishes as well as the loss of moisture, which occurs more rapidly when under stress. Dryness of the skin can create more fine line/wrinkles appearance and causes the skin to look dull and aged. Creating a skin care regimen can help fight stressed skin worries. It is important to wash and cleanse the skin with a mild cleanser that is appropriate for ones skin type (oily, dry or normal). Apply a daily moisturizer with sunscreen in the morning and a heavier cream or facial lotion at night. There are a number of products now that contain antioxidants that can combat stress effects by protecting the skin from free radicals. Dermatologists suggest not only using a skin care regimen for the outside of the skin but a healthy diet to nourish from within.
Counteract Beauty Stresses with Healthy Diet
A healthy diet rich in omega 3 fatty acids can help keep skin, hair and nails conditioned from the inside out. Foods such as fish, olive oil and nuts provide healthy sources of this essential healthy fat. Stress not only affects the skin but the hair and nails as well. Both can become dry and brittle from excess stress. Eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables will keep your body in proper function to counteract the affects of stress. As part of a healthy diet drinking plenty of water will keep the skin hydrated and youthful.
Relaxation Techniques to Fight Stress
With this in mind those who are feeling stressed should add one more tool to fight stress, which are relaxation techniques. These techniques help ease stress in order to provide a healthier life style. There are five relaxation techniques that have proven to relieve tension and relax both the mind and body.
1.Meditation- You don’t have to get a guru for this relaxation tool. Simply close your eyes and breathe. Let your mind go blank and focus on the sound of your breath as you inhale and exhale slowly. It will relax you and refresh you.
2.Aromatherapy- Scents can create a soothing affect. Try using scented oils, potpourris or candles in scents such as chamomile, lavender, rose or vanilla.
3.Tai Chi- This form of exercise is performed through slow focused movements combined with breathing. It allows you to leave behind stressors and focus on the movement, which slows the heart rate creating a peaceful sensation.
4.Yoga- Much like Tai Chi, Yoga is a fitness method that focuses on slow, gentle postures with a combination of breathing that relaxes both the mind and the body.
5.Massage- It never hurts to treat yourself to a professional massage but if this isn’t in your budget a loved one is certain to help melt the stress away from your neck and shoulders where stress can hide causing headaches and irritation. Stress can cause health concerns and beauty woes but by incorporating the tips and tools mentioned above you can protect your health and your beauty.
We all experience stress from time to time, but when stress occurs frequently (chronic stress) and is left uncontrolled it can cause both health concerns and a hazard to your appearance. Stress is a natural response to emotional or physical threats. This can be from work, a daily commute or family life. Stress causes a state of alarm, which produces adrenaline and increases levels of cortisol. Cortisol is a hormone that can effect oil production in the skin and creates higher levels of visceral fat (abdominal fat). Increased oil production can lead to skin condition flair ups such as eczema, rosacea, psoriasis, hives and acne. Stress also makes the body more susceptible to infection and causes the skin to repair itself more slowly.
Stress, Beauty and Skin Affects
Stress affects beauty through skin condition worries such as blemishes as well as the loss of moisture, which occurs more rapidly when under stress. Dryness of the skin can create more fine line/wrinkles appearance and causes the skin to look dull and aged. Creating a skin care regimen can help fight stressed skin worries. It is important to wash and cleanse the skin with a mild cleanser that is appropriate for ones skin type (oily, dry or normal). Apply a daily moisturizer with sunscreen in the morning and a heavier cream or facial lotion at night. There are a number of products now that contain antioxidants that can combat stress effects by protecting the skin from free radicals. Dermatologists suggest not only using a skin care regimen for the outside of the skin but a healthy diet to nourish from within.
Counteract Beauty Stresses with Healthy Diet
A healthy diet rich in omega 3 fatty acids can help keep skin, hair and nails conditioned from the inside out. Foods such as fish, olive oil and nuts provide healthy sources of this essential healthy fat. Stress not only affects the skin but the hair and nails as well. Both can become dry and brittle from excess stress. Eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables will keep your body in proper function to counteract the affects of stress. As part of a healthy diet drinking plenty of water will keep the skin hydrated and youthful.
Relaxation Techniques to Fight Stress
With this in mind those who are feeling stressed should add one more tool to fight stress, which are relaxation techniques. These techniques help ease stress in order to provide a healthier life style. There are five relaxation techniques that have proven to relieve tension and relax both the mind and body.
1.Meditation- You don’t have to get a guru for this relaxation tool. Simply close your eyes and breathe. Let your mind go blank and focus on the sound of your breath as you inhale and exhale slowly. It will relax you and refresh you.
2.Aromatherapy- Scents can create a soothing affect. Try using scented oils, potpourris or candles in scents such as chamomile, lavender, rose or vanilla.
3.Tai Chi- This form of exercise is performed through slow focused movements combined with breathing. It allows you to leave behind stressors and focus on the movement, which slows the heart rate creating a peaceful sensation.
4.Yoga- Much like Tai Chi, Yoga is a fitness method that focuses on slow, gentle postures with a combination of breathing that relaxes both the mind and the body.
5.Massage- It never hurts to treat yourself to a professional massage but if this isn’t in your budget a loved one is certain to help melt the stress away from your neck and shoulders where stress can hide causing headaches and irritation. Stress can cause health concerns and beauty woes but by incorporating the tips and tools mentioned above you can protect your health and your beauty.
Cold Sores
Cold Sores: Preventing and Treating Oral Blister Breakouts Around the Mouth
Cold sores are often called Herpes Labialis, Herpes Simplex (HSV-1) or fever blisters and are essentially painful lesions which commonly appear on the lips, chin, cheeks or nostrils. These blisters can cause pain and usually turn into yellowish crusty sores before they disappear. The process to heal a cold sore can take weeks. However, those who are prone to cold sores usually get an outbreak over and over again. In fact, they are highly contagious so they can pass them to others as well. At this time there is no cure, secret remedy or vaccine for cold sores but there are things you can do to prevent them, treat them, stop their spread to others and speed their healing.
Is It A Cold Sore?
Knowing how to recognize a cold sore is the first step to learning how to treat one. A cold sore is different than a canker sore (which is inside the mouth). They are caused by a virus and can even cause fever and other bothersome symptoms like mouth pain. You can talk with your doctor to determine whether your sore is a cold sore the first time you experience one. That way you’ll know what to look for if you experience recurrent stages of cold sores like most people do.
Recognize An Impending Cold Sore Arrival
Before you even see the cold sore pop up on your face, chances are you’ll start feeling a tingling or burning sensation somewhere around where it will erupt. If you take action for relief as soon as you feel these symptoms, you can shorten the recovery. Some over the counter mediation or oral prescription treatments for cold sores can be used upon you feeling these first sensations (Valtrex and Abreva are commonly used).
Avoid Spreading Cold Sores
Once you’ve figured out you have a herpes type cold sore, follow a few simple tips. First, it’s important to refrain from kissing or sharing drinks with others. Be sure to wash all eating utensils very well with disinfectant soap. In addition, you need to be careful not to touch your eyes and spread the virus there. Gently clean the area with soap and water and be sure to change your toothbrush after an outbreak.
Antiviral Remedy Medications
You can use medications like Penciclovir, Acyclovir and Famciclovir to treat cold sores. They don’t cure the cold sore itself but can speed up the healing time. It’s important to start taking them as soon as the cold sore appears, however. Some patients need to take these medications on a daily basis if they have severe outbreaks regularly. Topical ointments like Abreva and Denavir can be effective as well.
Treating and Relief of the Pain
old sores can be very painful so you may want to take over the counter pain medication like Tylenol or Motrin while you’re healing. You can also use ice to get immediate pain relief. Be sure to use an ice pack and move it around on the area in 10 minute sessions. Some people use a compress of warm milk to ease the pain, as well.
Wait the Virus Out
There’s nothing else to do for a cold sore but try to be patient and wait it out. Usually the outbreak will go away within 2 weeks or less. During this time, be sure you don’t squeeze or pick at the sore because it will only take them longer to heal and they can get infected.
Cold sores are often called Herpes Labialis, Herpes Simplex (HSV-1) or fever blisters and are essentially painful lesions which commonly appear on the lips, chin, cheeks or nostrils. These blisters can cause pain and usually turn into yellowish crusty sores before they disappear. The process to heal a cold sore can take weeks. However, those who are prone to cold sores usually get an outbreak over and over again. In fact, they are highly contagious so they can pass them to others as well. At this time there is no cure, secret remedy or vaccine for cold sores but there are things you can do to prevent them, treat them, stop their spread to others and speed their healing.
Is It A Cold Sore?
Knowing how to recognize a cold sore is the first step to learning how to treat one. A cold sore is different than a canker sore (which is inside the mouth). They are caused by a virus and can even cause fever and other bothersome symptoms like mouth pain. You can talk with your doctor to determine whether your sore is a cold sore the first time you experience one. That way you’ll know what to look for if you experience recurrent stages of cold sores like most people do.
Recognize An Impending Cold Sore Arrival
Before you even see the cold sore pop up on your face, chances are you’ll start feeling a tingling or burning sensation somewhere around where it will erupt. If you take action for relief as soon as you feel these symptoms, you can shorten the recovery. Some over the counter mediation or oral prescription treatments for cold sores can be used upon you feeling these first sensations (Valtrex and Abreva are commonly used).
Avoid Spreading Cold Sores
Once you’ve figured out you have a herpes type cold sore, follow a few simple tips. First, it’s important to refrain from kissing or sharing drinks with others. Be sure to wash all eating utensils very well with disinfectant soap. In addition, you need to be careful not to touch your eyes and spread the virus there. Gently clean the area with soap and water and be sure to change your toothbrush after an outbreak.
Antiviral Remedy Medications
You can use medications like Penciclovir, Acyclovir and Famciclovir to treat cold sores. They don’t cure the cold sore itself but can speed up the healing time. It’s important to start taking them as soon as the cold sore appears, however. Some patients need to take these medications on a daily basis if they have severe outbreaks regularly. Topical ointments like Abreva and Denavir can be effective as well.
Treating and Relief of the Pain
old sores can be very painful so you may want to take over the counter pain medication like Tylenol or Motrin while you’re healing. You can also use ice to get immediate pain relief. Be sure to use an ice pack and move it around on the area in 10 minute sessions. Some people use a compress of warm milk to ease the pain, as well.
Wait the Virus Out
There’s nothing else to do for a cold sore but try to be patient and wait it out. Usually the outbreak will go away within 2 weeks or less. During this time, be sure you don’t squeeze or pick at the sore because it will only take them longer to heal and they can get infected.
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