Feet Massage Procedures

Foot massage is very soothing. After you try the following techniques on one foot, switch feet and repeat.

Sit on a chair and place one foot on the opposite thigh. Rub some massage oil or lotion onto your foot if you like. Apply pressure with your thumbs to the sole of your foot, working from the bottom of your arch to the top near your big toe. Repeat five times.

Make a fist and press your knuckles into the bottom of your foot, moving from your heel to your toes. Repeat five times.

Massage each toe by holding it firmly and moving it from side to side. Extend each toe gently out and away from the ball of your foot. Then apply pressure to the areas between your toes.

Hold your toes in one hand and bend them backward holding them there for five to ten seconds. Then bend them in the opposite direction and hold for five to ten seconds. Repeat three times.

Press and roll your thumbs between the bones of the ball of your foot.

Head Massage Tips

Pressure points in your skull can relax your whole body. There are two very significant acupressure points at the base of the skull on what's called the occipital ridge. If you apply consistent pressure there, you can achieve total relaxation.

How do you find these points and apply pressure on those spots? There is a simple solution. Put two tennis balls in a sock and tie the end. Lie on your back on the floor and place the sock behind the upper neck, so that the two balls each touch the skull ridge that's right above the hollow spot. Stay like that for 20 minutes. If you like, you can listen to soothing music. The pressure on those acupressure points send messages down the spinal column to relax all the muscles and it is very effective.

Massage tips

Begin the face massage with very general strokes. Take your hands, which were covering your face, and bring the fingers up to your forehead - almost fingertip to fingertip across from each other - with each set of four fingers beginning at the center of the forehead gently stroke down and across following the outside frame of the face.

Your thumbs will naturally start the motion along the sides of the face and slide underneath the chin.

Slowly, from forehead to temples to cheeks along the jaw, and bringing the fingertips together under the chin, then sweeping the fingers off the face and beginning again at the center of the forehead.

Repeat 5 to 10 times.

Massage Technique

You will need face cream, and a bowl of cold water.
Remove your top so you can massage your neck as well, without getting cream all over your clothes.
Wash your hands and cleanse your face.

Sit back on a chair, and apply a generous amount of cream on your face and neck. Massage it gently into your skin. Take some cold water from the bowl, and apply it to your face as well. You could start from the neck. Lift your chin up and massage your neck using upward strokes.
Then massage the area just under your skin. Use firm strokes. Start from the center, move your hands under your jaw, outwards to the ear. Do this around 20 times or more, depending on how much time you have, and then using small upward strokes, work the entire under-chin area from side to side.
Massage the rest of your face, using upward and outward strokes, and circular motions. Keep reapplying water and cream on your face.
Circle your eyes, pressing down on the temples.

Similarly, use upward and outward strokes on your forehead.

Make a V with two fingers of one hand and put it on your face. Using the index finger of the other hand, massage the skin inside the V area. Move this 'V' all around your face.

Use quick, sharp slapping strokes on your cheeks. 'Slap' yourself for at least 2-3 minutes.
Remember that your entire massage session should consist of upward and outward strokes. Never massage the skin on your face in a downward direction, because your constant endeavour is to fight gravity.
In addition to a face massage, make sure you exercise regularly and drink at least 10 to 12 glasses of water a day.

Some people may develop pimples after a massage. If you develop a few pimples, wait until the pimples go, and use another cream the next time.

Face Massage Benefits and Way to Massage

There are numerous benefits to a face massage. If you have easy access to an inexpensive parlour, get a regular facial done. Alternatively, here's how you can give yourself a great face massage at home.

Glowing skin
Healthy and glowing skin is one of the most important beauty assets. It doesn't matter how light your skin if it looks sallow and pale. You will only look drawn, tired out and sickly. Most of us concentrate on trying to get our complexions pimple-free, or on lightening our skin. However, just a light, pimple-free complexion does not ensure good looks. Enhancing features with make-up does help, but nothing looks as good as healthy, glowing skin.

Some women have a tendency to develop puffiness on their faces. One of the best ways to counter puffiness is to massage your face regularly.

Massage stimulates circulation and brings more oxygen to the face. It also stimulates the production of collagen and tightens the skin. It also delays the onset of wrinkles. In addition, wrinkles on the forehead are often caused due to involuntary tightening of the muscles. Massage relaxes the muscles, and delays the formation of forehead wrinkles.

Double chin
Do you have a tendency to get a double chin Even some extremely thin people develop double chins. Regular face massage tightens the loose flesh under the chin so it doesn't hang down.

Glowing skin

Healthy and glowing skin is one of the most important beauty assets. It doesn't matter how light your skin if it looks sallow and pale. You will only look drawn, tired out and sickly. Most of us concentrate on trying to get our complexions pimple-free, or on lightening our skin. However, just a light, pimple-free complexion does not ensure good looks. Enhancing features with make-up does help, but nothing looks as good as healthy, glowing skin.

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