Eye Brows Grow, Castor Oil

Does castor oil help eyebrows grow? And if not what does?

Nothing helps eyebrows grow. I know, it's a terrible thing to say, but only God can make an eyebrow. Well, actually, eyebrows grow because of hormones that are responsible for hair growth. There are only a few reasons people lack eyebrows: hormone problems; chemotherapy and radiation for cancer treatment, which cause your hair to fall out everywhere; eyebrow related accidents involving gas burners, drunken friends with razors or overplucking. If you have the money and your eyebrows are irretrievable due to hormones or cancer treatments, you can have them replaced by a cosmetic surgeon, which can transplant hair from your head to where it should be on your eyebrows. This isn't a quick fix: it takes months for the new hair to come in and grow. On the other hand, it's permanent. On yet the other hand, it costs thousands.

If your eyebrows are just very thin or very pale, you don't need them to grow: you just need a little makeup. Use eyebrow pencil to darken your brows, and even add a stroke or two where there is no hair—if you do it delicately, no one will be able to tell. Thinner eyebrows are usually in fashion, so don't fret about them anymore: just get a good eye pencil in the right color for your face, and use it every day.

If your brows are gone because of overplucking or shaving, the best you can do is wait. Hair grows in six week cycles, and eventually yours will grow back. Use an eye pencil until that happy day, and if you're really looking strange, just tell everyone the story of how you lost your eyebrows. It won't make your face look any better, but you will earn tremendous points in being considered a good sport and a true raconteur. Anyone can grow an eyebrow: who among us can tell a really great story?

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