Hand skin softness and care looking young

How can I keep the skin on my hands looking young?

Our great grandmothers knew that to keep hands looking young, one needed several pairs of gloves. Anytime you're even tempted to do housework, don a pair of rubber or vinyl gloves to protect your skin from dust, cleaners and water. If you're gardening, put on your gloves before you even touch your pruning shears. In fact, put on a layer of hand cream and then your gardening gloves, and don't settle for the cotton kind that let the dirt rub through: get some lines ones. At night, before bed, rub on the thickest hand cream you can find (some people use Crisco), and slip on a pair of white cotton gloves. Basically, the more time you spend moisturized and gloved, the less time will affect your hands.

Aside from age itself causing hands to look aged, sun is the major culprit. Lots of women who wouldn't dream of leaving the house without SPF 30 on their faces forget to put it also on their dainty little paws. There's nothing more aging than sunlight, so anytime you get ready to go outside, rub a nice layer of sunscreen on your hands as well as your face and neck.

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