Lips by Season.

Lips by Season.

If you read the magazines, you know that the trendy makeup looks change with the weather, and the clothes. In general, the color palette for autumn features colors of pumpkin and spice, with bronzes, browns, taupes and dark reds. Lipstick follows along, with darker tones, golden hues and brown touches.

Winter usually sees a return to clearer, more gemstone-type colors,

including black and white. Lips for daytime are often seen in reds.

Spring comes in pastels and pale but bright tones, pinks, light green, lots of white and off-white, mimicking spring flowers. Lipsticks are usually paler too, in pinks and corals, often in translucent glosses.

In summer, you'll usually see the brightest colors in clothing. Hawaiiana, vacation-type clothing and playclothes fit the season. Lips can be any number of colors--usually brighter and more translucent than fall and winter looks, but bolder than spring.

--Editors Tip ----------------------------------------------------------------------

Long Lasting Lip Color that is Smear, Smudge, Kiss and Rub Proof– Is it Possible?

Looking for lovely lip color that won't come off on clothing, cups or napkins? It exists, and it's a beautiful thing. Gone are the days of messy lipstick, reapplied after meals, drinking or smooching. Lipstick on the cheek or collar is a thing of the past, too. In fact, some women don't even use lipstick anymore because of the invention of smear proof, water-proof, long lasting lip color in dozens of gorgeous, just-right shades.

There are various kinds of lip color, but among the best is a product made with all natural and herbal extracts, sunscreen and a patented process that makes it wear proof. The proof? Each kit comes with a product designed to remove the lip color when you're ready to switch shades. Called Lip Ink, it contains no preservatives. Better yet, it feels like bare skin.

Want lip color that stays where you put it? Here it is!


When it comes to choosing lip color, there are two schools of thought. The magazines choose to match lip color to the clothes (which are also matched to the coloration on the models). But if your facial and hair coloring isn't suited to a particular lipstick shade, it doesn't make sense to wear that shade just because it matches your sweater. The second (and I think, more effective) idea is that your lipstick should match you first and foremost.

There are general ideas about which lipstick colors look good on which people, but lipstick for evening often ignores the precepts of daytime lip color. That's okay: nighttime lighting is vastly different, it's okay to upsize the dramatic aspects of makeup at night, and if you like a certain shade, why shouldn't you wear it?

Matching lip color to hair color is kind of weird, because no two redheads (or blonds, or brunettes) have the same hair and face tones. It's best to suit your lip color to your face. It's not brain surgery; most faces have either warm undertones or cool ones, and lipstick can either play up your natural coloring or clash with it. If you want a lipstick that plays it safe while adding just a little boost of color, find a shade that is just a tad brighter than your natural lip color.

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