Curing Skin Cancer by Broccoli by direct application to "SKIN"

There are numerous studies that suggest eating vegetables can provide certain health benefits. Now researchers say that broccoli may help to combat skin cancer, not by eating it, but by applying it directly to the skin.
Sally Dickinson, research assistant professor in the Pharmacology Department at the University of Arizona Cancer Center, has teamed up with researchers from John Hopkins University to determine how sulforaphane - a compound found in broccoli - could help prevent the skin disease.

According to the American Cancer Society,skin cancer is the most common of all cancer in the US. More than 3.5 million cases of the disease are diagnosed in the country every year.
Over-exposure to sunlight is said to be one of the main causes of skin cancer, particularly malignant melanomas - the most aggressive form of skin cancer.
Dr. Dickinson says that although there is heightened awareness about the need for reduced sun exposure and use of sunscreens, there are still far too many cases of skin cancer every year.

Dr. Dickinson began researching the chemopreventive properties of broccoli in 2005. Since then, her research has shown that sulforaphane is highly effective at inhibiting cancer-causing pathways - such as the AP-1 protein - and at triggering chemoprotective genes - such as the Nrf2 gene.
In their upcoming pilot study with John Hopkins University, the research team is looking to test a "topical broccoli sprout solution" on the skin of a group of patients, in order to determine if the solution is effective when the skin is exposed to artificial light.
The solution has been shown to be safe for both topical and oral administration in previous studies, Dr. Dickinson says.
She adds that if the compound is proved to be successful, sulforaphane could be could be used for other applications.
"Sulforaphane is the kind of compound that has so many incredible theoretical applications if the dosage is measured properly," she says.
"We already know that it is very effective in blocking sunburns, and we have seen cases where it can induce protective enzymes in the skin."
The team is conducting this study in the hope that patients with weaker immune systems may be able to apply the sulforaphane solution to their skin to reduce their risk of skin cancer.

Skin Polishing

Skin Polishings one of the key cosmetic procedures done all over the world. It is meant to cleanse the skin, remove all unwanted dead cells, tone the skin for a new look and feel, get rid of various marks, lessen the wrinkles, and nourish the skin of the face. Some dermatologists and beauticians also call it skin exfoliation, which is a procedure meant to get rid of dead skin and deep cleansing it to make it look smoother, lighter and glowing. Dust and pollution, lack of clean water or unhealthy diet are some of the common reasons due to which the quality of the skin dwindles, thus leading to the need of skin polish. There was a time when only professionals were equipped to perform this treatment, however you can do skin polish at home as well.



Take half kg fresh rose petals and add 1 liter distilled or mineral water. (or take half litre mineral or distilled water n add 1kg fresh rose petals in this water) ,Simmer or boil it gently for 20 to 30 minutes on low flame. Cool it a bit ...on room temperature. Pour 1 tsp almond oil (if ur skin is very dry) and sprinkle 3 or 4 drops of the tincture of benzoyn. Pour this concoction into a bottle, keep it in the refrigerator and spray on your face daily.— — with Humera Syed Adnan, Rabbia Shafiq and Sunny Ehsan.

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